женпу гл

On February 15, 2024, in honor of the 80th anniversary of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, the Department of Information Technology and Librarianship held a round table on the topic: «Onege mektebi» with the participation of graduates of different years in the specialty «Librarianship».

The event was attended by specialists of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan: heads of the World Literature Service Tuyakova S.T., Information Resources Service Sydykzhanova F.U., librarians of the Scientific and Methodological Service Myspaeva R.K. and Akhanova S.Z., who presented a congratulatory address from the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, donated books.

The program manager of the Department of Information Technology and Librarianship, K.A. Kalymova, made a solemn speech and opened the event.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Nurzhanova G. I. made a report on the topic «Kitaphana isi» bilim beru bagdarlamasyn 65 zhyldyk tarikhy, bugini, bolashagi».

Kazgoszhenpu graduates living both in the country and abroad took part in the online format of the event.

Graduates of the University – librarians of Almaty shared their memories of the years of study and expressed warm wishes to the Department.

The festive program was prepared by students of the specialty «Librarianship».

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