On April 18, 2019 at 15.00 in the hall of E. Tursynov the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the students of the Kazakh national women pedagogical university in the specialty "Librarianship" held literary-historical evening "Babalar ulagaty - urpak amanaty" under the program articles of the First President of the RK N. Nazarbayev "Bolashakka baghdar: rukhani zhangyru" and " Uly dalanyn zheti kyry".

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The purpose of the literary-historical evening - a review of the past, the formation of the younger generation's sense of patriotism and love for the homeland.

The event was attended by the staff of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, teachers, students of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, as well as students of Kaskelen College of culture and readers of the library.

During the event, students presented a theatrical production about the historical events of the period "Kazak khandygy","Alash", "Zheltoksan".

At the end of the event the deputy director of the National library of the RK N.A. Iskalieva presented the letters of thanks and gifts to the head of the chair "Library science and bibliography" of the Kazakh national women pedagogical university G.I. Nurzhanova and teacher A.K. Baidarova, who actively participated in the preparation of the literary-historical evening and showed their knowledge and skills.

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