muzikaA book exhibition “Kazaktyn algashky musikatanushy kyzy” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Kazakh musicologist and singer Taliya Bekhojina (1919-1995) was organized in the reading room of the Arts Department.  

Bekhozhina Taliga was born on December 11, 1919 in Semey.  She graduated from Alma-Ata Conservatory in 1963. She started her creative way as a singer. From 1941 to 1958 she was a singer in the Kazakh Philharmonic. In the years of the Great Patriotic War she performed with the concert group on the fronts. From 1962-1980 she worked as a junior research fellow of the musical department of the Institute of Literature and Art of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan. Participating for many years in folklore expeditions throughout Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, T. Bekhojina recorded and transcribed on sheet music more than 1500 songs from the lips of local residents, collected materials about the creative work of folk performers. She is an author of "200 Kazakh Songs" that became a rarity, as well as two collections of music and ethnography "Kazyna" and "Dalamnyn nazdy sazdary" with samples of epos, aytys, folk songs and cues. Taliga Bekhozhina compiled the collection of works by poet and composer Shakarim Kudaiberdiev (Kudaiberdiev Sh. Amanat. - Almaty: Oner, 1989. - 128 bet) and wrote the foreword to it.

The book exhibition presents materials about the life and work of Taliga Bekhkozhina from the collection of books, music and periodicals of the National Library of Kazakhstan.

Welcome to the book exhibition!