ЗимановThere in the hall for scientific workers after U.M.Sultangazin is organized the book exhibition “Kazak zandary gylymynyn abyzy”, dedicated to the centenary of the birthday of the outstanding scientist, academician of the Academy of sciences of Kazakhstan, honored figure of science , professor, doctor of science (law) Salyk Zimanovich Zimanov.

Zimanov Salyk Zimanovich was born on February 19, 1921 in Guryev city (now Atyrau city). Participant of the Great Patriotic war. After the demobilization in 1946-1948 he worked as a coroner for the most important affairs of the Prosecutor’s office of the Kazakh SSR. In 1948 he graduated from the Alma-Atinskiy affiliate of the All-Union juridical correspondent institute.

In 1948-1952 – the post-graduate student, senior scientific worker, head of the sector of law of the AS of the Kazakh SSR, in 1952-1957 – director of the Alma-Atinskiy juridical institute, dean of the juridical faculty of the Kazakh state university after S.M.Kirov. In 1961 he defended the doctoral dissertation by the theme “The public and political system of Kazakhstan at the end of the XVIII-th and the first half of the XIX-th centuries”. In 1958-1969 – head of department of the Institute of philosophy and law of the AS of the Kazakh SSR. Professor, academician of the Academy of sciences of Kazakhstan (1967).

In 1976-1977 – chief scientific secretary of the Presidium of the AS of Kazakhstan. In 1992-1993 – chairman of the Committee of the Supreme Soviet of the RK for the affairs of veterans and invalids, in 1994-1995 - chairman of the Committee of the Supreme Soviet of the RK for constitutional legislation and human rights, in 1995-2005 – rector of the Academic law study institute “Parasat”, in 2005-2011 – president of the “Intellectual-Parasat” juridical company Ltd.

Academician S.Zimanov was the state and public figure, an outstanding scientist, the acknowledged head of the Kazakhstani school of lawyers. His creative influence was felt not only by the lawyers, but also by the philosophers, historians, economists and the representatives of all humanitarian sciences. His personal traits are the principiality, insistence, justice, openness and benevolence. He was elected the people’s deputy, deputy of the Supreme Soviet, chairman of the Committee of the Supreme Soviet. He actively participated when “The Declaration on the state sovereignty” and the Constitutional Law “On the state independence” were adopted.

He is the author of more than 500 scientific works, including more than 20 monographs. Among them such considerable works like the three-volume publication “The history of the state and law of Soviet Kazakhstan” (1960), “The usual law of the Kazakhs in the XVIII – the first half of the XIX-th century” (1981) and the important research was the book about Russia and the Bokei khanate (1982). There to the classical works belongs the book of S.Zimanov and A.Atishev “The political views of Chokan Ualikhanov”. The crown of his scientific activity was the publication of the ten-volume work “The ancient world of the law of the Kazakhs”.

The merits of S.Zimanov before the country and the contribution into science were awarded with the titles and high awards. The winner of the Presidential prize for peace and spiritual concordance (1993), The state prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2002) and the independent prize “Tarlan” (2007). Awarded with 2 orders of the Patriotic war of the 1-st degree, Red Star, Friendship of peoples, “Parasat” (2002) and medals. The honored figure of science of the Kazakh SSR. Honorary citizen of the Atyrauskaya region.

On September 10, 2020 there at National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the activity dedicated to the centenary of the birth of Salyk Zimanov and the giving of the name of the scientist to the Hall of dissertations. There in the hall of dissertations were organized the informational stand “Salyk Zimanov – zan gylymynyn alyby” and the book exhibition “Gulama zanger, ustaz, kairatker” from the fond of National library of the RK in the Kazakh, Russian and English languages. There in the activity participated the veterans and leading lawyers, law expoerts of Kazakhstan, representatives of the akimat of Almaty city, teachers of colleges and universities, relations and friends of S.Zimanov and also mass-media representatives.

There at the book exhibition “Kazak zandary gylymynyn abyzy” from the fond of National library of the RK are presented materials about the life and activity of Salyk Zimanov, his scientific works, monographs, articles and recollections of scientists on the pages of the periodical press.

          We invite everybody to the book exhibition!

Кітап шоу - 2024