The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
IFLA: The librarians of Kazakhstan participate in the World library and informational congress in Athens.
There from August 24 to 30, 2019 in one of the centres of ancient civilization in Athens city will take place the World library and informational congress named “Libraries: dialogue for change”. This event has great significance for the world library associations. Annually there in it participate approximately 140 specialists of different levels in the sphere of library and informational sciences.
According to the president of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Gloria Peres-Salmeron: “Libraries are the moving force of changes in society, and the World library and informational conference for us is a good possibility to determine our direction anew. The colleagues from the whole world exchange the modern experience and ideas, determine the ways for the providing of services of a higher level, discuss the topical problems that stand before the libraries, thus making their contribution to society”.
The main purpose of the World library and informational congress in Athens is the modernization of librarianship on the regional and international level, and also the demonstration of the best experience in the sphere of management of informational and innovational technologies, the creation of conditions for the exchange and studying, the formation of new mentality in modern conditions and the demonstration of the new image of the library on the whole.
There at the conference will be presented the uniquely new, interesting and useful information for the growth and development of separate specialists as well as of the library community on the whole. This will also give the possibility to the libraries of the world to jointly implement the strategy of the World library and informational conference and create the single library site. There in the world of knowledge the library is to become the site for the generation of ideas.
There in the conference will participate director of National library of the RK of the Ministry of culture and sport of the RK Ospanova B.K., head of the Service of acquisitions, control and replenishment of the fond Izambekova G.M., head of the Service of reference-informational servicing Rakhimova A.K. and other workers.
On August 25, 2019 there within the framework of this large activity of international level for the purposes of “advancement of the creative activity of Abai in the scale of world civilization” will take place the literary evening named “Abai – the great poet of the great steppe”. Besides there to the librarians of the whole world in English will be presented the stand report by the theme: “The library volunteer activity for the revival of the ecological environment of the Aral region” prepared by the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the volunteering Kazakhstani librarians.
IFLA: the annual regional council of the representatives of the libraries of the countries of the CIS
As it was told before there in the capital of Greece – Athens from August 24 to 30 of the current year started the Congress of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) by the theme: “Libraries: dialogue for change”.
There in the work of the congress participates also the Kazakhstani delegation head by director of National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan B.K.Ospanova.
Today on August 24 there took place the annual regional council of representatives of the libraries of the countries of the CIS.
As the moderator of the council together with the heads of the state libraries of Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan there spoke director of National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ospanova Bakytzhamal Kairbekovna.
There at the regional council with the word of greeting spoke president of IFLA Gloria Peres-Salmeron and IFLA general secretary Gerald Lightner.
The representatives of the libraries of the countries of the CIS spoke at the council by the themes: “The joint project dedicated to the 75-th anniversary of the Great Victory”, “The international projects of the library of foreign literature as the site for interaction between the libraries of the CIS”, “The Saint-Petersburg cultural forum as the site for meetings and discoveries”, ‘The last stage of the IFLA project – “The map of the world libraries”.
IFLA: there in the solemn atmosphere opened the World library and informational congress
As it was told before there in the capital of Greece – Athens from August 24 to 30 of the current year started the Congress of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) by the theme: “Libraries: dialogue for change”.
Today on August 25 there took place the solemn opening of the World library and informational congress.
The international conference will make it possible to form the new strategy in the sphere of librarianship and create the single library site.
There in the congress participate director of National library of the RK Ospanova B.K. and the heads of the library services G.I.Izambekova, A.K.Rakhimova and others.
IFLA: the literary evening dedicated to the 175-th birthday of the great Kazakh poet Abai Kunanbaev
There at the solemn activity spoke the ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Greece Bolkob Alexei Yuryevich and director of National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ospanova Bakytzhamal Kairbekovna who donated to the Greek National library and the embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Greece the copy of the first collection of Abai Kunanbaev which saw the light in 1909 and the valuable books dedicated to the creative activity of the poet.
Also there in one of the centres of the ancient civilization there were read the verses of the great poet Abai Kunanbaev in the languages of the world, there were performed the songs “Kozimnyn karasy”, “Aittym salem, Kalamkas”. Also there was demonstrated the slide-show about the life and creative activity of the poet.
IFLA Congress: the Joint report of the National library and the Kazakhstani volunteer librarians
As it was told before there in the capital of Greece – Athens from August 24 to 30 of the current year takes place the Congress of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) by the theme: “Libraries: dialogue for change”.
On August 26 there within the framework of the international activity was presented the stand report in English named “The library volunteer activity for the revival of the ecological environment of the Aral region” prepared by the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the volunteer Kazakhstani libraries.
The right for the stand report the collective of the National library won by participating in the world competition of librarians.
There in the report especial attention was given to the issues of preservation of the biological balance in the region of the Aral Sea. The problem of Aral is the heaviest ecological calamity of our times and which is common for the whole of the world. As a result of its drying annually by the wind up to 75 millions of tons of dust and toxic salt are carried even up to Europe and the Antarctic region. That is why there before Kazakhstan and the world community stands the problem of recovering the biological diversity of the island and creation of good conditions of life for the people there.
The purpose of activity of National library and the volunteering librarians while preparing the stand report is the search and wide-spreading of knowledge necessary for the stabilization of the ecological and socio-economic situation in the Aral region. In this connection this work began from the formation and heightening of topicality of the original bibliographical data in the modernization of cultural-historical ecological environment of the Aral region (2017-2018). Some results of this work you can see in the stand report.
The activity prepared together by National library and the Kazakhstani volunteers is directed upon the implementation of the goals of the UNO against the climatic changes №13 in the sphere of provision of steady development.
Congress: the evening dedicated to the 220-th birthday of A.S.Pushkin
Today, on August 26 within the framework of the World Library and Informational Congress of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) by the theme: “Libraries: dialogue for change” the Russian librarians organized the literary evening. It was dedicated to the 220-th jubilee of the Great Russian poet A.S.Pushkin, which is marked this year.
There in the literary evening of the Russian colleagues participated a group of leading workers of National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan headed by director Ospanova B.K., and also the representatives of the Kazakhstani colleges, universities and libraries.
IFLA Congress: BUSINESS COUNCIL of the heads of national libraries
Today, on August 27 within the framework of the World Library and Informational Congress of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) by the theme: “Libraries: dialogue for change” there took place the council of the heads of the national libraries of the countries of the world. During the council there were discussed the issues of development of the library sphere, the heightening of the servicing quality and further improvement of business interaction of the libraries of the world.
There in it participated director of National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the Ministry of culture and sport of the RK Ospanova Bakytzhamal Kairbekovna.
IFLA Congress: the Kazakhstani delegation visited the library of Greece together with the Indonesian colleagues
The idea of creation of the National library belonged to the well-known Swiss Phil-Hellene Jacobs Meier. This idea was taken up by the new Greek government headed by Johanne Kapodistria who surrounded around it such intellectual institutions like educational establishments, national museums and publishing houses. The immediate leader was Andreas Mustoxidis who thus became director of the National archeological museum and the National school.
At the end of the year 1830 the library which Mustoxidis had named the National library, already had at that time 1018 volumes of printed books collected either by the Greeks or the Phil-Hellenes. In 1834 the library was transferred to the new capital – Athens and in 1842 it was joined together with the library of the Athens university – approximately 15 000 volumes and even was placed in the building of the new university.