There in the reading hall “Kazakhstan kitaptary” is organized the book exhibition “Ata zanym - ardagym”, timed to the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Constitution is the main law of the state, the especial normative-legal act, giving the highest juridical force. The Constitution determines the basics of the political, legal and economic system of the state.
The first Constitution of independent Kazakhstan was approved at the IX-th session of the Supreme Soviet of Kazakhstan of the XII-th convocation on January 28, 1993. That Constitution was designed only for the short-term prospects. On August 30, 1995 there at the all-people referendum was approved the draft project of the new Constitution. Annually in the republic this day is celebrated as one of the main state holidays.
During the years of Independence the Constitution of Kazakhstan was several times replenished , there were introduced the amendments in 1998, 2007, 2011 and 2017. The Constitution first of all remains as the reflection of the rights and the will of each man, the expression of the ideology of the whole state. Each citizen of our society must know his rights, obligations, he must respect and observe the law.
Today the Constitution of the RK is the mighty factor for the further implementation of the process of modernization, the strengthening of the democratic institutions, the growth of welfare of the citizens and the consolidation of society on the way of advancement of Kazakhstan to the 30 developed countries of the world.
The celebration of the Constitution Day is the civilized action which has the upbringing character directed upon the creation and wide-spreading of the constitutional values among the citizens, in particular among the youth.
There at the book exhibition “Ata zanym - ardagym” out of the fond of National library of the RK is presented the literature on the history of the state and law, the formation of Kazakhstan as the legal and democratic state, the Constitution and the collections of laws of the RK, the materials of the scientific conferences etc.
We invite everybody to the book exhibition!