There in the reading hall of periodical editions is organized the exhibition dedicated to the 90-th birthday of the republican scientific-popular magazine “Densaulyk”.
The magazine “Densaulyk” is published each month in the Kazakh language and is dedicated to the issues of health care. In between 1929-1931 it was published under the title “Densaulyk zholy”.
The first number of the magazine went out on 40 pages, from which 36 were printed in Arabic script and 4 – in Latin script. In 1932 the magazine stopped its work, beginning from 1990 is it published anew under the title of “Densaulyk”.
There in the publication of the magazine a great role was played by the people’s commissar of health care Mukhamedgaly Koishibayevich Tatimov (1894-1938).
Chief editors of the magazine:
-Tatimov Mukhambetkali (1929-1930);
-Abdrakhmanov Bisengali (1930-1931);
-Asfendiyarov Sanzhar (1931);
-Koishybayev Beibit (1990-1991);
-Tumenbayev Zhaksylyk (1992-1993).
Beginning from 1990 the magazine was recreated under the shortened name “Dansaulyk” (“Healthcare”), as the organ of the Ministry of healthcare of Kazakhstan and the Republican council of trade unions. There on the pages of the magazine are highlighted the issues of modern medicine, the problems of environmental protection and other things. There are rubrics dedicated to the history of medicine, the best medical workers of the country. Chief editor of the magazine today is Moldakhmet Kanaz.
There at the exhibition out of the fond of National library of the RK are presented the articles of the medical workers and journalists on the pages of the periodical editions dedicated to medicine, healthy way of life and the magazine “Densaulyk”.
We invite everybody to the exhibition!