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From 17th to 19th of May the heads of the groups of Information Resources Service K.D. Avelbekova, E.O. Medetova and the highest category librarian of the service of receipt, control and acquisition Sh.E. Omirbekova held a three-day practical training at the School of Cataloguer for specialists of the Central City Library after M.O. Auezov of Karaganda city.

Specialists of the National Library of the RK held a session in the 5 modules of the domestic automated library information system WEB-RABIS. They were acquainted with the principles of use and application of the international Universal Decimal Classification (UDC), with the work of the Kazakhstan Center for Corporate Cataloging (KCCC), as well as were given methodological recommendations for acquisition and accounting of library collections.

Upon completion of the training, the librarians of Karaganda were awarded certificates.

The Centralized Library System of Karaganda presented a letter of appreciation to the staff of the National Library of Kazakhstan.

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