генереал 316 дивизия

There in the hall of periodical editions is organized the exhibition named “Panfilovshylar – erlik pen batyldyktyn ulgisy”, dedicated to the 80-th anniversary of the legendary Panfilovskaya division, to the valiant heroes of the Great patriotic war of 1941-1945.

There in the hall of periodical editions is organized the exhibition named “Panfilovshylar – erlik pen batyldyktyn ulgisy”, dedicated to the 80-th anniversary of the legendary Panfilovskaya division, to the valiant heroes of the Great patriotic war of 1941-1945.

The 316-th shooting division was forming in Alma-Ata city in 1941 from the servicemen and residents of Kazakhstan and Middle Asia. The division became headed by major-general Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov. Only two divisions in the whole period of existence of the armed forces of the Soviet Union were named in honour of their commanders. The first one after the Civil war was the Chapayevskaya division, and during the Great Patriotic war the name of the commander was received by the 8-th Guards’ shooting division – the Panfilovskaya one.

It was predestined to enter the history of the Second world war as the specimen of the mass heroism of soldiers and commanders.

Beginning from August, 1941 the Panfilov division began its military way under Novgorod and after that it was thrown to the Volokolamsk direction. Be being engaged non-stop in the battles, during one month that parts of the division not only retained their positions but also due to the quick counterattacks they defeated the 2-nd tank, the 29-th motorized, the 11-th and 110-th infantry divisions of the enemy, annihilating generally up to 9000 German soldiers and officers, more than 80 tanks and other equipment of the enemy. For the merits in the battles the 316-th shooting division one of the first ones started being named the 8-th guards’ division.

In November, 1941 the division became famous through the feat of the 28 Panfilov heroes which became one of the brightest symbols of the battle for Moscow and it is the largest battle in the Great Patriotic war. It was the battle near the passing-track Dubosekovo, at which the soldiers managed during the short time to annihilate 18 enemy tanks regardless of the fact that they were only 28 warriors from the personal composition of the 4-th company of the 2-nd battalion of the 1075-th shooting regiment of the division. During the unequal battle almost all the Panfilov warriors perished, displaying the unequaled courage. The Panfilov division stopped the further movement of the enemy under Moscow at the Volokolamsk direction. During the same days through getting under the hurricane mortar fire of the enemy, there perished the commander of the division – general I.V. Panfilov.

The further military way of the Panfilov division was hard, full of losses but as before it was covered with glory. During the first months of the year 1942 it together with the other Soviet parts participated in the battles against the SS division “The dead head”. In 1943 the division was in the composition of the Kalininskiy front. In 1944-45 it participated in the battles in the Baltic region, in 1945 – in the operations against the Kurlyandskaya grouping of the enemy.

In the after-war years the division was transferred and located onto the territory of Estonia and after that it reorganized into the 8-th Guards’ motor-shooting division.

At the present time the 8-th guards’ motor-shooting division after the Hero of the Soviet Union majour-general I.V. Panfilov entered the armed forces of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. There in Bishkek city dedicated for the 70-th anniversary of the Panfilov division took place the meeting-requiem.

The military Banner of the division became the attribute of the Republican relay-race in Kazakhstan named “We are the heirs of the Victory” dedicated to the 75-th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic war of 1941-1945 and it was carried around the 24 cities of the republic.            

The soldiers of the Panfilovskaya division were awarded with the orders, medals and many of them were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Among them: B. Momyshuly, V. Klochkov, M. Gabdullin, T. Tokhtarov, I. Kurganskiy, I. Shapshayev, A. Kosayeva, M.Sengirbayev, A. Kryuchkov, Ya. Bondarenko and many others. After their names were named the schools, villages, districts, streets, parks, there were established monuments, memorial museums in the cities and in the native places of the heroes.

There at the exhibition are presented the materials about the Panfilovskaya division out of the fond of National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan published in the periodical editions and books beginning from 1941: the recollections, the photo-albums, the stories, the verses of the poets, writers of the countries of the CIS.                               

We invite everybody to the book exhibition!

Кітап шоу - 2024