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On April 23, 2019, the reading room of World Literature Services organized a book exhibit, "A Star of World Literature," dedicated to the 455th anniversary of the great English playwright, poet William Shakespeare and the 415th anniversary of the great work "Othello".
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On April 23, 2019, as part of the Kitap Shoy-2019 World Book and Copyright Day, a book exhibition "World Literature in the National Library of Kazakhstan" and from the collection of rare books and manuscripts "Antiquity of the Deepest Antiquity" will be held in the central foyer of the library.
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On April 23, 2019, the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosted a "KITAP SHOY-2019" celebration of World Book Day.
April 23 is a symbolic date for world literature. Love for the Word and the Book truly knows no bounds. Every year on April 23, in more than 100 countries around the world, World Book and Copyright Day are celebrated. The event is a kind of call to reading and a tribute to books and authors. The holiday is intended to remind everyone that in the age of new technologies, books still occupy a leading position and reading is still a pleasure.
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On April 22, 2019 in the hall of E. Tursunov Hall the presentation of the book "Sulubaidyn ani" of the prominent poet, honored figure of Kazakhstan, laureate of the international awards "Alash", Abay, Makhambet Galym Zhailebay, organized by the public fund "Er-ZHANIBek" in the framework of the 120th anniversary of Ospan Batyr.
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In the reading room of the Department of Arts organized book exhibition "Talented Composer", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the composer, People's Artist of Kazakhstan Tless Shamgonovich Kazhgaliev (1949-1996).
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On April 19, 2019 in the hall named after. N. Dauletova held a presentation of the book of honorary journalist of Kazakhstan, "Veteran of Labor", the owner of the badge of Y. Altynsarin, honorary citizen of Kyzylorda Karymsakovich Iten "Zhaksynyn zharygy" and a bibliographical index on the works of the author, issued specially by the National Library of Kazakhstan.
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On April 18, 2019 at 15.00 in the hall of E. Tursynov the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the students of the Kazakh national women pedagogical university in the specialty "Librarianship" held literary-historical evening "Babalar ulagaty - urpak amanaty" under the program articles of the First President of the RK N. Nazarbayev "Bolashakka baghdar: rukhani zhangyru" and " Uly dalanyn zheti kyry".
The purpose of the literary-historical evening - a review of the past, the formation of the younger generation's sense of patriotism and love for the homeland.
The event was attended by the staff of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, teachers, students of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, as well as students of Kaskelen College of culture and readers of the library.
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On April 17, 2019 at 11.00 a.m. in the Exhibition Hall named after N. Dauletova literary evening "Kazakh zhyraulary", dedicated to the spiritual leaders - zhyrau, who played a special role in strengthening the Kazakh Khanate and promoting the unity of the people was held.
Zhyrau (zhyr - song, poem) is a folk poet and singer in Kazakh poetry and is not only a performer, but also the author of works.
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