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Today the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan was visited by Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Almaty (Kazakhstan) Mr. Kim Heung-soo and the attaché on culture Mr. Jhang Pyung Hwa.
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There in the reading hall of periodical editions of National library of the RK is organized the exhibition dedicated to the centenary of the republican public-political newspaper “Kazakhstanskaya pravda”.
Kazakhstanskaya pravda” is the all-national everyday newspaper of Kazakhstan. The newspaper is republican, public-political and the main source of official and business information in the republic. The main task of the newspaper “Kazakhstanskaya pravda” is the wide-spreading of information connected with the political, economic and cultural life of the country.
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On January 15, 2020 there in the hall after N.Dauletova of National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the presentation of the journal-almanach of literature and culture “Galamshar adebieti – Global litera”.
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There in the reading hall of the “Arts” department is organized the book exhibition for the 70-th birthday of the honored architect of Kazakhstan, the People’s architect of the USSR Kaldybai Zhumagaliuly Montakayev (1950-2008).
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On January 16, 2020 at 11:00 hours there in the reading hall “Kazakstan kitaptary” took place the solemn opening of the Literary centre of Abai, dedicated to the 175-th birthday of the great Kazakh poet-enlightener and philosopher Abai Kunanbayev.
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On January 13, 2020 there in the hall after N.Dauletova of National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the Ministry of culture and sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the ceremony of awarding the winners of the competition dedicated to the studying of the life and creative activity of the poet Iliyas Zhansugurov, among the journalists and scientists-literary critics timed for the 125-th birthday of the poet.
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On January 10, 2020 the workers of National library of the RK discussed the article of the President of the RK Kasym-Zhomart Kemeluly Tokayev named “Abai and Kazakhstan of the XXI-st century”.
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On January 10, 2020 there in the hall after N.Dauletova of National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the Ministry of culture and sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the presentation of the book of Lyudmila Eniseyeva-Varshavskaya “Calculated and checked by me finally!!!”.
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