
A book exhibition «Ulttyk rukhtyn shiragy», dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the famous Kazakh writer, laureate of the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR Ilyas Yesenberlin, was organized in the reading room named after Oraz Zhandosov of the «Kazakhstan Kitaptary» Service.

Ilyas Yesenberlin was born on January 10, 1915 in Atbasar, Akmola region. In 1940 he graduated from the Kazakh Mining and Metallurgical Institute in Alma Ata. He served in the Soviet Army, participated in the Great Patriotic War (1940-1942). After being wounded, he returned from the front and was approved as an instructor by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan. Literature became the creative content of I.Yesenberlin's life back at the front, and his career was diverse.

In the first post-war years, he worked in the office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, then director of the Kazakh State Philharmonic named after Dzhambul, editor of Kazpolitizdat, was a member of the screenwriting and editorial board of the «Kazakhfilm» Film Studio, director of the «Zhazushi» publishing house and contributed to the development of this largest fiction publishing house in Kazakhstan. In 1971-1975, he was the second secretary of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan. Since 1975, I. Yesenberlin has been engaged in creative work.

Since 1945, the writer has published collections of poetry and poems. In 1969, the novel «Khan Kene» appeared, followed by two other novels - «The Enchanted Sword» and «Despair», which formed the historical trilogy «Nomads». Based on this trilogy, the movie «Nomads» was shot. His works have been translated into Russian, English, French and other languages of the world. I. Yesenberlin's novel «The Fight» was awarded the Abai State Prize.

Yesenberlin was awarded the Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the «Badge of Honor», the medals for «Military Merit» and for the «Defense of Leningrad», and the laureate of the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR. A museum dedicated to his work has been opened in Atbasar's hometown, and a memorial plaque has been installed on the house where the writer was born. Schools and streets in the cities of Kazakhstan are named after him.

The purpose of the exhibition is to introduce and promote the creative activity of I. Yesenberlin, drawing readers' attention to the famous personality of the writer, who made a significant contribution to the development of Kazakh literature.

The book exhibition consists of three sections. The first section «Uly dalanyn dankty uly» reflects materials about the writer's life and work: encyclopedias, bibliographic reference books and literature about him.

The second section, «Tarikhi roman tabigaty,» introduces readers to the famous works of the writer I. Yesenberlin: Collected works in 10 volumes, «Sultan», «Aisha», «Adamgershilik zhyry», «Bolshevik Turaly poema», «Birzhan sal tragediyasy», «Tolkidy yesil», «Aikas», «Katerli otkel», «Gashyktar», «Fight», «Altyn kus», «Akku kustin kuanyshy»; trilogies «Koshpendiler», «Almas kylysh», «Zhantalas», «Kahar», «Altyn Orda», «Nomads».

The third section «Halyk zhuregindegi kalamger» presents the memoirs of famous writers of Kazakhstan about I. Yesenberlin: R.Berdibai «Tubi bir turikpiz», «Ilyas Yesenberlinnin poesiyasy», «Akyl keni», as well as articles on the pages of the periodical press.

 We invite you to the book exhibition!