On November 14, 2024, in the Hall of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after N. Dauletova, a presentation of the book of historical and philosophical research «Kazakh» was held, compiled by the team of authors.
For the second time, the book «Kazakh» was published in a large circulation thirty years ago. In order to give a breakthrough to the consciousness of the country, society as a whole, freed from the shackles of the dead, when the country's independence is restored and restored, the outstanding philosopher agin Kassymzhanov, the first anthropologist Orazak Smagulov, the famous scientist-researcher and writer Akseleu Seidimbek, together with a number of Nation leaders, will collect comprehensive historical and philosophical research «Kazakh» and publish it in the publishing house «bilim» with a circulation of 55,000 copies.
The content of the book consists of historical and Philosophical Investigations. In the second edition of the educational book, which tells about the history, ethnography, literature, philosophy, mythology and the present and future of the Kazakh Nation, new authors ' studies were also included.
The event was moderated by the head of the Department of Philosophy of the Al - Farabi Kazakh National University, Ph. D., associate professor Asset Abayevich Kuranbek.
The event was attended by the editor-in-chief of the book of historical and philosophical research «Kazakh», farabitologist-scientist, Doctor of philology, holder of the order»Parasat» Zhakypbek Altaev; dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and political science of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Ph. D., associate professor Bekzhan Meirbayev; doctor of philology, professor of the Department of Philosophy of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Tursyn Gabitov; doctor of philology, professor of the Department of Philosophy of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Dauletbek Raev; representatives of the intelligentsia such as Doctor of philology, professor Anar Salkynbay, doctor of medical sciences, professor Aprilbek Ruzidinov, veteran announcer, cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Amanzhan Yensebayuly, candidate of philology, associate professor Nurzhan Kulymzhanov made speeches.
Five copies of the presented book «Kazakh» were transferred to the library fund.
The presentation was attended by teachers and students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy.