қанағат гл

On May 16, a meeting with the satirical writer Kanagat Abilkayyr took place at the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of the book fair «Qazaq Book Fair».  

The event was opened and presented by a new book by Kanagat Abilkayyr «Perishteler zhok zherde...» poet, Honored Worker of Culture of Kazakhstan Dauletkery Kapuly.

At the event, the following people shared their impressions of the book: writer Bakyt Bedelkhan; ethnographer, Professor Karatayeva Tattikul; journalist Yesei Zhenisuly; photographer Asylkhan Bagen, etc.

At the end of the meeting, the author of the book thanked all the participants of the evening for the warm welcome and high appreciation of his book.

Participants of the meeting: students, readers, library staff, media representatives.