There in the hall after Oraz Zhandosov of the Service «Kazakstan kitaptary» is organized the book exhibition «Kornekty zhazushy dramaturg», dedicated to the 105-th birthday of the Kazakh writer, poet and dramaturgist Kapan Satybaldin.

Satybaldin Kapan was born on December 15, 1917 on the territory of the Karkaralinskiy uyezd of the Semipalatinskaya region. In 1939 he graduated from the Kazakh pedagogical institute. In 1940-1942 he studied at the Moscow state institute of cinematography.

In 1936-1937 he was the literary worker of the newspaper «Socialistyk Kazakstan», in 1938-1939 -  head of the section of young writers of the Writers’ Union of Kazakhstan, in 1939-1940 – head of department of the newspaper «Leninshyl Zhas». Participant of the Second world war, the military journalist. Later on he worked as deputy director of the studio «Kazakhfilm» for the scenario affairs, deputy chief editor of the magazine «Zhuldyz», chief editor of the newspaper «Kazak adebiyety». For some time he worked as secretary of the Writers’ Union of Kazakhstan.

Satybaldin worked much in the sphere of dramaturgy and cinema-dramaturgy. The plays of K. Satybaldin were staged on many scenes, there by the scenarios of the writer was filmed the feature film «The song calls», the feature and documentary films «The heroes of the Kegen valley», «Dina Nurpeisova».

The book exhibition «Kornekty zhazushy dramaturg» reflects the materials about the life and creative activity of K. Satybaldin: the encyclopaedias, biographical reference books and the literature about him. After that the exhibition acquaints the reader with the works of the writer. The first collection of verses «I sing» came out in 1938. After that there followed the poems «The winged dream», «Moscow-Volga», «The tears that drop from the moon», «Love», «The enigma revealed». In 1945 there appeared the poem «Aliya», dedicated to the Hero of the Soviet Union Aliya Moldagulova. In 1968 there came pout the collection of short novels, essays and stories «The lark».

The poet translated in the Kazakh language the poem of N. Nekrasov «The Russian women», a number of fables of I. Krylov, the short novel of G. Gulin «The spring in Saken», the play of B. Gorbatov «The youth of the fathers» and other works of the Russian writers.

The purpose of the book exhibition is the acquaintance and popularization with the creative activity and the works of K. Satybaldin, the attraction of the attention of the readers to the well-known personality who made a considerable contribution into the development of Kazakh literature and dramaturgy.

            We invite everybody to the book exhibition!  


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