In the reading room "Kazakhstan kitaptary" in the framework of the national campaign "One country - one book - 2019" organized a book and illustrative exhibition devoted to the life and creative work of national writers of Kazakhstan Abdildy Tazhibayev and Abish Kekilbayev
In the reading room "Kazakhstan kitaptary" in the framework of the national campaign "One country - one book - 2019" organized a book and illustrative exhibition devoted to the life and creative work of national writers of Kazakhstan Abdildy Tazhibayev and Abish Kekilbayev
The Republican campaign "One country - one book" has been held in Kazakhstan since 2007 on the initiative of the National Academic Library of Kazakhstan with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Kazakhstan. The aim of the action is to develop a program to promote reading, support literacy and reading culture, the preservation of spiritual heritage and caring attitude to the native language, as well as moral and patriotic education of young people.
In 2019, the works of two famous authors are recognized for public reading in Kazakhstan: the poetry of Abdildy Tazhibayev and the novel "Anyzdyn akyry" by Abish Kekilbayev.
Abdilda Tazhibayev (1909-1998) is a famous Kazakh poet and playwright, people's writer of Kazakhstan. He was born in 1909 in Kyzylorda. In 1946 he graduated from the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute. He worked his way up from an ordinary newspaper editor to the Secretary of the Board of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan.
The first poem "Arys kumy" by A. Tazhibayev, written in 1928, was included in the two-volume 1960 edition of selected works. The main genres of literary creativity of the writer are poetry and drama. Themes of the poems are varied - the revolution, the construction of a new life, the past of the people, numerous human destinies, the wind of a new era, are distinguished by warmth and lyrical richness. He devoted much energy to the development of Kazakh national dramaturgy. The name of the writer stands in the first row of the most prominent figures of Kazakh literature.
Tazhibayev also acted as a playwright: plays "White Birch", "Bloom, Steppe!", "Maira", "Buddies", "Cliff" and others. The feature film "Zhambul" was made by his script. Many works of the poet-playwright have been translated into world languages.
A large place in the work of A.Tazhibayev was occupied by translation activities. He is the author of translations of poems and poems by A.Pushkin, H.Heine, T.Shevchenko and A.Ostrovsky. He was awarded with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the "Badge of Honor", and honorary diplomas for his services in this sphere. He is a laureate of State Award of Kazakh SSR named after Abay (1974).
Abish Kekilbayev (1939-2015) is a public and political figure, People's Writer of Kazakhstan, Hero of Labor of Kazakhstan. He was born on December 6, 1939 in the village of Ondy, Mangistau district of Guriev region. In 1962 he graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University (now Al-Farabi Kazakh National University). In different years occupied various state posts. Winner of the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR named after Abay (1986).
- Kekilbayev began his literary activity as a poet. The first collection of poems "Golden Rays" was released in 1962. Later he stopped writing poetry and began to work in two genres: prose and criticism. He is the author of the famous novel "The End of the Legend", novels "Ballads of Forgotten Years", "The Well", "The Competition", "The House on the Outskirts", "The Prize Runner"; short stories "The Happiest Day", "After Meeting", "The White Rose", "The Straw of Luck", etc.
The writer's prose is fairy-tale and legendary. It is no coincidence that this connection with legends and tales is emphasized in the title of his historical work "Anyzdyn akyry" ("The End of the Legend", 1979). A novel about the last days of the Lord, in which the reader recognizes the legendary Timur. The love story of a young architect and junior khansha, revenge khan and the agony of his conscience, weighed by terrible crimes, conveyed by the writer with great psychological skill. In 1979 the work was translated into Russian by Kazakh writer G.K. Belger.
А. Kekilbayev is also known for his literary translations. He translated into Kazakh the works of Guy de Maupassant, Chingiz Aitmatov, took part in the translation of the novel "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy and works of I. Bunin.
At the book exhibition from the collection of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan are presented the materials about the life and creative works of two famous authors A. Tazhibaev and A. Kekilbaev, their works, translations, memories and articles in the periodical press.
We invite you to the book exhibition!