In the reading room "Kazakstan kitaptary" was organized a book exhibition "Almaty Uly Otan sogys zhyldarynda", dedicated to May 9 - Victory Day.
During the Great Patriotic War, due to the placement of evacuated and construction of new enterprises in Alma-Ata military, machine building, electrical, metal, textile, confectionery and other industries emerged. During the war years the whole burden of hardship fell on the shoulders of workers and specialists who worked 12 hours a day. All the life and work of the people was subordinated to the interests of the front.
By the will of circumstances, the city of Alma-Ata became the center of major scientific forces of the Soviet Union. The city received more than 10 different research institutes from Russian and Ukrainian cities. Such major scientists as I.I. Meshchaninov, L.I. Prasolov, A.S. Orlov, M.M. Zavadovsky and others arrived.
The theme of defending the homeland became the main theme in the works of writers, composers and artists. In November 1941, the largest film studios of the Soviet Union, Mosfilm and Lenfilm, were evacuated to Alma-Ata. Cinematographers S.Eizenshtein and V. Pudovkin, actors V. Maretskaya, L. Orlova, M. Zharov, N. Kryuchkov, writers A. Tolstoy, M. Zoshchenko, S. Mikhalkov and others lived and worked fruitfully in the city. During two years of war 23 films were released on the screens of the country: "Ivan the Terrible", "Wait for me", "A guy from our city", "She is defending her homeland", "Kazakh Cinema Concert", etc. The city became the main cultural center of the Soviet Union.
During the war years, Alma-Ata also became a haven for all evacuated people from all over the Union and a hospital where hundreds of thousands of wounded soldiers were brought in. Despite the fact that Kazakhstan was the rear, hunger was felt in Alma-Ata. The city was growing. The number of city residents during the first months of the war almost doubled. Evacuated people were disassembled to their homes, placed in hotels. The writer K.Paustovsky and his family lived in the house of M.O. Auezov.
Many Almatian writers and poets fought in the ranks of the Red Army. Among them were D.Abilev, D.Snegin, P.Kuznetsov, A.Sharipov, J.Sain. The well-known writers S.Mukanov, G.Mustafin, A.Tazhibayev, I.Shuhov went to meet the soldiers of Kazakhstan on the front. The mass heroism of Almatian soldiers in the battles and the feats of arms of the inhabitants of the capital of Kazakhstan found their full embodiment in the unbreakable unity of front and rear. The capital of Kazakhstan made a worthy contribution to the victory over the enemy.
The Great Patriotic War, which began on June 22, 1941, remained forever in the history of the National Library of Kazakhstan. From the first days of the war, 11 employees of the library volunteered to the front. In the reading rooms of the library worked writer A. Tolstoy, director S. M. Eisenstein, People's Artists of the USSR M. Zharov, Soviet poet S. J. Marshak, People's Artist of the USSR N. I. Satz, writer K. Paustovsky and many others.
In Kazakhstan, the holiday of May 9 - Victory Day is given great importance, during the whole month there are charity events and various activities for the frontline soldiers and veterans of the rear. In all educational and cultural institutions of Kazakhstan there are numerous celebrations dedicated to the memory of war heroes.
The book exhibition from the collection of the National Library of Kazakhstan presents materials on the history of Almaty, the contribution of city residents to the overall victory in the Great Patriotic War, the glorious heroic deeds of Almatians, etc.
Welcome to the book exhibition!