
There between September 21 – October 2 the specialists of the Central state archives of the RK D.B.Gabdullin, A.A.Bekmukhambet and R.K.Kosayeva went through the qualification upgrading at the School of conservation and restoration of manuscripts of the National library of the RK.

There for the students at the Service of restoration, conservation and binding were offered the modern methods for the safety of documents. They mastered the technologies of saving the documentary heritage. Exactly: preventive and phase-by-phase conservation; the reasons and kinds of damage to the documents; chemical cleansing of documents; the methods of restoration of the books on the paper basis; preparation of the bindings; the basics for the graphical preparation of the design in the Photoshop programme; the peculiarities in the restoration of the rare books and manuscripts. They were shown the importance of the regime for paper documents: the temperature-humidity, the light and sanitary-hygienic control.

The head of the department of restoration of the Central state archives of the RK D.B.Gabdullin stressed the importance of going through the practice of the specialists at the School of restoration, conservation and binding of manuscripts and hoped for future cooperation.

Director of National library of the RK B.K. Ospanova handed to them the certificates about the passing through the course of conservation.

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