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On October 23, 2019 there in the hall after N.Dauletova of the National library of the RK of the Ministry of culture and sport of the RK the public foundation “El-shezhire” within the framework of the state-social order from the department of public development of Almaty city held the conference by the theme: “The national values as the basis of the national idea”.


The activity with the introductory word was opened by the scientific secretary of  National library of the RK Bolat Zhunisbekov.

The moderator of the activity was the candidate of science (history), the leading scientific worker of the Institute of history and ethnology after Ch.Ualikhanov, professor Shamshidinova Fakia.

There at the conference spoke: the president of the public foundation “El-Shezhire” Ashimkhan Daulet Didakhmetuly, chief editor of the national public-political journal “Akikat” Amankhan Alimuly, chief teacher at the chair of philosophy of the Kazakh national university after Al-Farabi, candidate of science (philosophy), philosopher-publicist Abdrashit Bakiruly, the professor Shayakhmet Imashuly, the leading scientific worker of the Institute of history and ethnology after Ch.Ualikhanov, professor of the private charity foundation “Azamat aleuety”  (The potential of the citizen), candidate of science (philology) Seisenova Almagul Dauletkazykyzy and the head of department of management of public development of Almaty city Sarsembayev Bekzhan Kaliuly.

There in the activity participated the students, librarians, representatives of intelligentsia and mass-media.

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