On October 10, 2019 there at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the Ministry of culture and sport of the RK within the framework of “The year of youth” took place the opening of the exhibition of the works of the young talented artists of Almaty city.
There at the exhibition were presented the works of the students of the faculty “Painting, sculpture and design” of the Kazakh national academy of arts after T.K.Zhurgenov.
All those present were congratulated by with the opening of the exhibition by scientific secretary of National library of the RK Zhunisbekov Bolat Zhunisbekovich and expressed gratitude and gave the word to the head of the chair “Khudozhestvo” of the faculty “Painting, sculpture and design” of the Kazakh national academy of arts after T.K.Zhurgenov, honored figure of the RK, member of the Union of artists of the RK, professor Turgynbai Bolat Syrlashuly, and also to the head of the museum and gallery of the National academy of arts Tokpanova Maya Kyztuganovna.
The ribbon at the opening was cut by scientific secretary of National library of the RK Zhunisbekov Bolat Zhunisbekovich and professor of the Kazakh national academy of arts after T.K.Zhurgenov Turgynbai Nolat Syrlashovich.
There in the activity participated the representatives of intelligentsia, members of the youth’s creative association “Zhas kalam”, writers of National library, readers and mass-media representatives.
The exhibition of the young artists will work up to October 18.
The doors are open for everybody.
We invite everybody!