On October 8, 2019 at 12:00 hours the Service of world literature of National library of the RK carried out at the specialized school-lyceum №92 after M. Gandhi the joint holiday activity  named “Mahatma Gandhi – 150 years: the life and the heritage”, dedicated to the 150-th birthday of the outstanding figure of India. There within the framework of the activity out of the fond of the library was presented the exit book exhibition.

On the format of the activity of the Book corner of India the cycle of activities dedicated to the 150-th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, National library of the RK together with

the General consulate of India in Almaty city began on January 25, 2019 with the decade of culture of India, the cinema festival of Indian feature films by modern directors from Bollywood. There within the framework of the days of culture was carried out the master-class in Indian dances by the teacher in dancing froum India - Shruti Ghosh. There was also organized

the illustrative book and photo exhibition named “Mahatma Gandhi – 150 years: the life and the heritage”. In March, 2019 there took place “The holiday of the Kazakh and Hindi languages”.

There at the activity spoke: the consul of the General consulate of India in Almaty city Martin Siriac Clemense, director of the specialized school-lyceum №92 after M. Gandhi Erulan Asentayevich Zhienbayev, deputy director of National library of the RK Azhar Khamitovna Yussupova who noted the significance of the given activity and the role of M.Gandhi in the obtaining of independence  of India.

The pupils from the lyceum told the audience about the life and activity of Mahatma Gandhi, they read aloud his citations in the English, Kazakh and even Hindi languages.

The activity was continued with the concert programme in which there were performed the Kazakh songs and also with the national Indian dances preformed by the girl-pupil of the lyceum Symbat Akhmetkyzy and the librarian of National library of the RK Zhaksybaeva Meiz. National library of the RK donated to the lyceum the scientific-popular literature, the books of the Leader of the nation of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev  in the amount of 50 copies.

There in the holiday activity participated the teachers of the school-lyceum, the pupils and the librarians.