There in the reading hall of the Service of foreign literature is organized the book exhibition of the editions which were given pber by the National and university library after Saint Clement of Okhrid and the Embassy of the Republic of Northern Macedonia in Almaty city.
Northern Macedonia is a state in the south-east of Europe, situated at the Balkan peninsular. The population is 2 073 702 mln. people.
The capital is Skopje. The only state language is Macedonian. The geographical region Macedonia is situated on the territory of three countries – its Southern and the bigger part is
the Aegean Macedonia and is part of Greece; the eastern lands – the Pyrean Macedonia is in Bulgaria and Northern Macedonia is situated in the north and west, in the valley of the river Vardara. The capital itself of Macedonia Skopje represents by itself total sightseeing places. Here are situated the unique monuments of architecture of the antiquity and middle ages.
Of especial interest are the famous Turkish baths built in 1466, the little Orthodox church of the XVII-th century, the Moslem mosques of Mustafa-pasha and Sultan-Murat built in 1492.
There were donated to the library by the Embassy of Northern Macedonia 35 copies of printed editions in the Russian, English and Macedonian languages.
There are widely presented the literary works in different genres: “The anthology of modern Macedonian poetry”, “The anthology of Macedonian story”, “The anthology of Macedonian novel” on two volumes, “The anthology of modern Macedonian drama”,
“The anthology of Macedonian essay”, “The anthology of Macedonian literature for children” and others. Also there are presented the guidebooks for the cities of Macedonia and the books in regional study, architecture and economy.
We invite everyone interested!