There in the hall of scientific workers after U.M.Sultangazin is organized the book exhibition dedicated to the 80-th anniversary of the Soviet scientist-biochemist, one of the founders of molecular biology and biotechnologies, academician of the Academy of sciences of the Kazakh SSR Murat Abenovich Aitkhozhin. Murat Abenovich Aitkhozhin was born on June 29, 1939 in Petropavlovsk city of the Northern-Kazakhstani region. In 1962 he graduated from the faculty of biology of the Kazakh state university after S.M.Kirov (now the Kazakh national university after Al-Farabi), from 1962 to 1965 – the post-graduate of the Moscow state university after M.V.Lomonosov.
M.Aitkhozhin began his labour activity in 1965 as a junior scientific worker, from 1969 to 1983 – head of the laboratory, from 1978 to 1983 – director of the Institute of botany, from 1983 to 1987 – director of the Institute of molecular biology and biochemistry of the AS of the KazSSR, from 1986 to 1987 – president of the AS of the KazSSR.
M.Aitkhozhin is the founder of molecular biology and biotechnologies in Kazakhstan. One of the first in world science Aitkhozhin carried out the comparative studying of the apparatus of higher organisms that synthesizes protein in higher organisms, searched and studied the physical-chemical qualities of the informosom in the plant cells; he opened all the classes of the informosom of plants – the free cito-plasmatic, polysom-linked and nuclear ones, including the RNK-linking proteins. Under the leadership of M.Aitkhozhin there is elaborated the complex of devices for the automation of molecular-biological experiments, which is protected by 15 author’s certificates and 16 patents in the leading countries. He paid great attention to the preparation of young specialists. He was the first one to introduce
the course of molecular biology and a number of special courses for the students of the faculty of biology of the Kazakh national university after Al-Farabi.
M.Aitkhozhin is the author of approximately 90 works. There are among them: 1 monograph, 3 inventions, international publications.
For the merits in the sphere of science M.Aitkhozhin was awarded the Lenin prize (1976), was awarded the order of Friendship of peoples (1987). He was entered into the Golden Book of honour of the KazSSR (1974) and was awarded the golden medal of the Soviet foundation of peace (1987).
After M.Aitkhozhin there is named the Institute of molecular biology and biochemistry of the Ministry of education and science of the RK and the school №1 in Petropavlovsk city in which he studied. There on the wall of the building in Almaty city where the scientist lived is established the memorial plaque.
Murat Aitkhozhin died on December 19, 1987 in Almaty city. There at the book exhibition are presented the materials about the life and activity of the scientist, his scientific works, articles on the pages of the periodical press and the recollections of his compatriots.
We invite to the book exhibition!