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There on May 31, 2019 at 11:00 hours in the reading hall “Kazakhstan kitaptary” for the Day of memory of victims of the political repressions took place the evening dedicated to the 125-th birthday of the prominent public and state figure “Alashtyn arda uly – Sultanbek Kozhanov” and also the literary review in memory of Iliyas Zhansugurov, Saken Seifullin, Beimbet Mailin.
The Day of memory of victims of the political repressions is the day in memory of the victims that perished in the epoch of the Stalinist regime: the famine, the mass repressions, the persecutions and the violent deportation of innocent people. One of the victims of the political repressions of those times was the prominent public and state figure, a scientist, publicist, editor Sultanbek Kozhanov. Participant of the fight for the freedom and independence of the Single Turkestan.
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On May 27-30, 2019, specialists of the Information Resources Service of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.K. Nesipbaeva, head of the group for the processing of foreign literature and K.D. Avelbekova, a librarian of the highest level categories held a training seminar in the Almaty Regional Universal Library on "The main direction of modern library digitization and development of the international Universal Decimal Classification".
The purpose of the seminar is increasing the role of libraries in preservation of cultural and historical heritage of the country in the conditions of development of information technologies, propaganda and development of cultural and spiritual values of the people, strengthening and exchange of experience among the library specialists of Almaty region.
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On May 30, 2019 at 11:00 hours there in the hall of world literature too place the poetical evening named “The lyrics of Persian poetry”.
The activity was opened by deputy director of National library of the RK Yussupova A.Kh.
There with the report “The history of development of Persian poetry” spoke the chief sceientific worker of the Institute of literature and art after M.O.Auezov, doctor of science (philology) Khamrayev Alimzhan Telikovich. He noted the contribution of Persian poetry into the world culture and presented the creative activity of the Persian poets: Firdousi, Saadi, Khafiz Shirazi, Rumi and Omar Khayam.
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On May 30, 2019 in the hall named after. N. Dauletova held a national scientific and practical forum "The spiritual heritage of the Great Steppe - the basis for the preservation of national values in the upbringing of the younger generation.
The scientific and practical forum was organized by the Kazakhstani Society of Women Scientists and the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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On May 28, 2019 at 15:00 hours there at National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of the dual system of education took place the panel “Kasibim-keleshegim, maktan tutar” for the students by the speciality of “Librarianship business”.
The purpose of the panel is to acquaint the students with the multi-sided experience of work of the specialists of librarianship business, exchange of opinions among the students.
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On May 27-28, 2019 the deputy director for information resources N. A. Iskaliyeva and the leader of the National Literature Processing Group of Information resources service F.K. Bekturbekova conducted 2-day educational and methodical classes at the seminar-training in Aktobe regional universal scientific library named after S. Baishev on the topic “Digital age: library automated services and new possibilities in libraries” in the framework of the program "Ruhani zhangyru".
Specialists of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan acquainted the course participants with the modules of the domestic Web-RABIS application program, the scientific processing of documents and its features (monograph, multi-volume, musical, gramophone, electronic resources, cartographic / video recording, etc.),
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On May 24, 2019 in the hall named after N. Dauletova the republican scientific and practical conference of national and ethnographic association "Adyrna" on the topic "Tarikhtan tagylym: ultyk dastur zhane din masseleleri" (History lessons: national traditions and religious issues) took place.
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On May 23, 2019, the Chinese Culture and Literature Hall organized a book exhibition on "Chinese Embroidery as a Spiritual Culture Subject".
The art of embroidery in China has a history of many thousands of years. Traditionally, embroidery is the decoration of products ornamented with a pattern or subject image, made by hand with threads and other materials with a needle. Colorful Chinese embroideries are distinguished by the luxury of silk embroidery and a variety of patterns. Patterns and images are by no means random.
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