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The book exhibition "Shygystan shyrai izdegen", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the famous Kazakh poet, writer, scholar-literary critic, orientalist, translator, doctor of philological sciences, Professor Utegen Kumisbaev, was organized in the reading room "Kazakstan kiptatary".
Kumisbaev Utegen Kumisbaevich was born on May 20, 1939 in the aul "Madeniet", Zhalagash district of Kyzylorda region. In 1958, after graduating from Kazakh secondary school he entered the Faculty of Philology at the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov.
In 1963-1969 Kumisbaev worked in the newspapers "Egemen Kazakhstan" and "Kazak adebieti" as a literary worker, the head of the department of poetry, in 1969-1974 he worked as a research intern and a postgraduate student at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Moscow.
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On May 17, 2019, at 10:00 a.m. in the hall named after N. Dauletova held an international scientific-theoretical conference "The Basis of Civilization is Writing", dedicated to the life and work of the outstanding scientist, terminologist, orthographer, teacher, public figure Yeldes Omarov.
At the event were: Deputy Director of the National Library of Kazakhstan A.H. Yusupova, scientists A.Ismakova, F.Orazbaeva, B Koishybaev, A.Shayakhmet, M.Shuakaev, A.Salkynbay, S.Smagulova, M.Zhylysbaeva, S.Taikeshova, A.Biyazdykova and O. Zhubaeva.
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On May 13-16 of, 2019 Head of the Information Resources Service F. U. Sydykzhanova and the leader of the National Literature Processing Group F.K. Bekturbekova conducted 2-day educational and methodical classes at the seminar of advanced training for librarians on the topic “Digital Time Requirements - Modern Library”, organized by the branch of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Kyzylorda region.
Specialists of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan acquainted the course participants with the modules of the domestic Web-RABIS application program, the scientific processing of documents and its features (monograph, multi-volume, musical, gramophone, electronic resources, cartographic / video recording, etc.),
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On May 16, 2019 at 4.00 p.m. in the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held a round table on the theme "Augan sogysynyn akikaty" with veterans of the Afghan war, the holder of the order "Kurmet", doctor of historical sciences, professor of Kazakh National University. Bolat Sanabayevich Saylan, holder of the Order "Kurmet" Adil Bektasovich Abdikhalikov, holder of the Order "Aibyn" Baydaulet Kurmankozhauly Darkenbayev. May 16, 2019 at 4.00 p.m.
The event was opened by the deputy director of the National Library of Kazakhstan A.H. Yusupova. At the meeting professor Bolat Saylan told about the contribution of veterans in our peaceful life and presented presentation on the basis of his book "Biz bolgan sogys", and also donated to the library his works: "Kenestik biliktegі zhastar sayasaty: tarikhy men tagylymy (1917-1991), "Augan sogysynyn akikyaty", "Biz bolgan sogys".
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On May 15, 2019 at 11:00 hours there in the hall of N.Dauletova will take place the memory evening, dedicated to the 70-th birthday of honored artist of Kazakhstan Zhanibek Karmenov.
The activity is held together with “Alatau” theatre of arts.
Zhanibek Karmenov was born in Karaul village of the Abai district of the Eastern-Kazakhstani region. He is the singer, writer and honored artiste of Kazakhstan.
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In the reading room "Kazakstan kitaptary" was organized a book exhibition "Almaty Uly Otan sogys zhyldarynda", dedicated to May 9 - Victory Day.
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In the reading room "Kazakhstan kіptaptary" organized a book exhibition "Yer - elinin korgany" dedicated to May 7 - Defender of the Fatherland Day.
On May 7, the people of Kazakhstan experience patriotic enthusiasm and pride in their country. This is Defender of the Fatherland Day, which has been celebrated in Kazakhstan since 2012.
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May 7, 2019 in the reading room of the world literature organized book exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian poet, translator and participant of the Great Patriotic War Boris Abramovich Slutsky.
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