The Kazakhstani libraries in 2009: data and figures / The National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan; compiled by: F.Bekturbekova; edited by: B.Shaimerdenova. – Almaty: the NLRK, 2010. – 65 p.
There in the analytical edition named “2009 zhyldagy Kazakstan kitapkhanalary: malimetter men sandar” (“The Kazakhstani libraries in 2009: data and figures”) are summarized the main information of the state public libraries within the system of the Ministry of culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2009. The edition is prepared on the basis of the reports of the regional universal scientific libraries of Kazakhstan and it highlights the issues connected with the evaluation of the level of the libraries’ activity: the libraries’ network; the fonds’ acquisition and their financing; the enlightenment and scientific-research activity of 6the libraries; the automation of library processes etc. The edition has appendices reflecting the main indicators of the libraries’ work for 2008-2009.
Bolatova O.Zh., Kasymzhanova K.T. The organization of library exhibitions at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan: methodological manual. – Almaty: the National library, 2010. – 86 p.
There in the methodological manual are considered in detail the forms and methods of organization of library exhibitions, there are disclosed the goals and kinds, the norms of time for exhibition work, the methods for perfection of exhibition activity. Special attention is dedicated to the thematics and design of exhibitions.
The manual is for the workers of culture, library specialists, students and post-graduates of higher educational establishments dealing with the problems of mass work of the libraries.
The dictionary of library terms/The National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan; compiled by: G.T.Rakhymzhanova, F.K.Bekturbekova; tranlstaed into English by: K.T.Kasymzhanova, chief editor: B.Sh.Shaimerdenova. – Almaty: the NLRK, 2010. – 260 p.
There entered into the dictionary 2000 modern library terms in the Kazakh language with the translation of their names into Russian and English, reflecting the following groups of library notions: library, librarianship, organization of a library’s work, library fonds and catalogues, library servicing.
The main attention in the choice was given to new terms that appeared in the past years in the sphere of inculcation of automated library-informational systems and technologies. There entered into the dictionary such terms like “interactive regime”, “classification index”, “informational-search language”, “complex bibliography” etc.
The dictionary is intended for the wide circle of library workers, teachers and students of higher and secondary educational establishments.