Kazakstan Respublikasy Ulttyk kitapkhanasynyn tarikhy. Volume 1: (1931-1990) =The history of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Volume 1: (1931-1990) / head of the project G.K.Balabekova; compiled by K.T.Kasymzhanova, E.I.Ismailov; scientific editor A.Sh.Altayev; translated by K.Zhorabekov.- Almaty, “Oner”, 2011.- 440 p. – in Kazakh, Russian languages.
The first volume of “The history of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 1931-1990” discloses the historical necessity and socio-political conditions of creation in 1931 of the State public library of Kazakhstan as the national library and its development as the national book depositary, scientific-methodological and research centre in the sphere of librarianship, bibliography and book-study. There is disclosed the work of the Library by the main trends of activity from the moment of its creation – from 1931 to 1990 inclusively.
Kazakstan Respublikasy Ulttyk kitapkhanasynyn tarikhy. Volume 2: (1991-2011) =The history of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Volume 2: (1991-2011) / head of the project G.K.Balabekova; compiled by A.Sh.Altayev, B.Sh.Shaimerdenova; scientific editor A.Sh.Altayev; translated by K.Zhorabekov.- Almaty, “Oner”, 2011.- 352 p. – in Kazakh, Russian languages.
The second volume of “The history of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 1991-2011” reflects the documents of the development of the National library of the RK in the conditions of establishment of independence of the RK. There is shown the role of the Library as the scientific-methodological centre, there is disclosed the work of the libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the context of the cultural policy of 1991-1999. There are presented the reports, projects, articles, certificates about intellectual property, the summarizing materials which reflect the main trends and priorities of activity of the National library of the RK at the new stage of its development.