O.K.Djandosov and the peculiarities of the socio-cultural development of Kazakhstan in 1918-1938. The materials of the scientific conference. – Almaty: the NLRK, 2010. – 360 p. – In the Kazakh, Russian languages.
The collection contains the materials of the scientific conference dedicated to the 110-th anniversary of the prominent state figure, the first director of the National library of the RK U.K.Djandosov which took place on May 21, 2009. The materials of the collection reflect the reports of the well-known Kazakh scientists, historians, philologists, culturologists, philosophers, library workers about the public and enlightenment activity of U.K.Djandosov, about the development of Kazakh culture at the beginning of the XX-th century, the history of formation and summarization of the experience of scientific-research work in the sphere of librarianship in Kazakhstan
Librarianship. Bibliography. Book study: The collection of articles / The NLRK; compiled by: G.T.Rakhymzhanova; 22-nd edition: “The civilization of the Great Steppe and Shakhname”: The materials of the international scientific conference (Almaty, October 7-8, 2009).- Almaty, 2010.- 284 p.- In the Kazakh and Russian languages.
There entered into the collection the materials of the international scientific conference named “The civilization of the Great Steppe and Shakhname”, dedicated to the Iranian-Turkic literary-cultural relations and the work of the classic of Persian literature Firdousi “Shakhnama” that took place at the NLRK which took place on October 7-8, 2009.
There entered into the collection the articles of the Oriental scientists and leading specialists of the National libraries of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Bashkortostan, Iran, Russia, Turkey, the Russian National library (in St.-Petersburg), that summarize the experience in scientific-research activity concerning the poem “Shakhname” by Firdousi.
Library study. Bibliography. Book study: the collection of materials / The National library of the Republic Kazakhstan.- the Issue 19.- Almaty, 2008.- 197 p.- the Kazakh , Russian languages (the titles simultaneously in the Kazakh and Russian languages).
The collection contains the materials of the international conference “The book and the Great Silk way” (Shymkent city, November 14-16, 2007). The edition is designed for the specialists in the sphere of library study and a wide circle of specialists in the sphere of public sciences.
Library study. Bibliography. Book study: the collection of scientific articles / The National library of the Republic Kazakhstan.- the Issue 20.- Almaty, 2008.- 244 p.- the Kazakh , Russian languages (the titles simultaneously in the Kazakh and Russian languages).
The collection is dedicated to the history of the formation of the fond, the organization of the readers’ servicing, the establishment of the department of rare books and manuscripts of the NLRK.
Also there entered into the collection the materials of the scientific-practical readings dedicated to the jubilee of the library study specialist and bibliographer, doctor of science (history), professor V.Z.Galiyev. The edition is designed for the specialists in the sphere of library study and a wide circle of specialists in the sphere of public sciences.