The project: “Meetings at the boundaries: Russia - Kazakhstan”
Russia and Kazakhstan are the largest states on the territory of Eurasia. The two countries have a polyethnical composition of population. Taking into account the significance of the inter-cultural dialogueand interaction in the sphere of strengthening international relations with the frontier countries, and also the implementation of the UNESCO policy for the development and use of multiple languages, universal access to the space and preservation of the digital heritage.
The project “Meetings at the boundaries” enters the Federal purposeful programme named “Culture of Russia”. It is implemented under the aegis of the UNESCO “Information for all” Programme with the financial support of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 2001 the Russian committee of the UNESCO “Information for all” Programme together with the Russian state library and the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan started the implementation of the project “Meetings at the boundaries”, which purpose is the creation of the joint Russian-Kazakhstani electronic library.
At the beginning the activity was planned as a pilot project for the creation of the Russian-Kazakhstani electronic library. On April 12, 2002 at the sitting of the Russian committee of the UNESCO “Information for all” Programme the Russian coordinator of the project S.A.Kazantsev made a report named “On the project of creation of the Russian-Kazakhstani electronic library”, who was the head of the department on international cooperation of the Russian state library. In the course of the discussion on the report it was stated that in the light of strengthening international relations with the frontier states, and also the implementation of the UNESCO policy in the development and use of multilinguistics, the universal access to the cyberspace and the preservation of the digital heritage the project of creation of the Russian-Kazakhstani electronic library acquires especial significance and topicality. The Russian committee took the decision on the expediency of development of similar projects with the other states-participants of the CIS.
There was approved the decision to propose to the Russian committee and the RSL to inform the Interparliamentary assembly of the states-participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States about the project “Meetings at the boundaries”. In 2002 there in Petropavlovsk city in the Northern-Kazakhstani region took place the Kazakhstani-Russian seminar named “Eurasianism in the XXI-st century: the electronic cooperation of the libraries”, dedicated to the implementation of the “Meetings at the boundaries” project. There at the seminar were discussed the issues of providing the regional-study materials and documents in the single electronic format for the formation of the electronic library. There were defined the priorities, the stages of implementation, including the creation of the site of the Project, there was discussed the plan of further activities.
There within the framework of the seminar there was stated about the joining to the implementation of the Project “Meetings at the boundaries” of the administrations of the Northern-Kazakhstani region of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Omsk region of the Russian Federation. They will be represented in the project by the Petropavlovsk regional library and the Omsk regional universal scientific library, which will participate in the creation of the pilot electronic library at the level of the subjects of the two countries.
The participants of the Kazakhstani-Russian seminar “Eurasianism in the Xxi-st century: the electronic cooperation of the libraries” made the initative to give this activity the status of the megaproject.
The ministries of culture of the two countries with the participation of the UNESCO “Inmformation for all” programme signed the bilateral agreement on the implementation of the “Meetings at the boundaries” Megaproject.