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On October 4, in the hall of N. Dauletova of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the II Republican round table on the theme «Kazakh ult asaptary orchestrinin  repertuar maseleleri» was held, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Kazakh National Orchestra of folk instruments. Kurmangazy.  This is the first orchestra of Kazakh national instruments – the Honored Collective of the Republic of Kazakhstan, winner of national and international competitions, winner of the Order of «Halyktar Dostygy» and many awards.

A book exhibition «Orchestra ‒ el serisi kudireti» was prepared for the event, which presents books and articles from periodicals from the Fund of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan about the orchestra. Kurmangazy.

Participants: representatives of the creative intelligentsia, orchestra members, students, media representatives, etc.

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