31 мамыр

In the reading room named after Oraz Zhandosov of the Kazakhstan Kitaptary Service, a book exhibition «Zulmat Zhyldar zhadymyzda» was organized, dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression, celebrated annually in Kazakhstan on May 31.

May 31 is the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression and Famine in Kazakhstan, which is intended not to forget and remember the past of the Kazakh people, honor the memory of fallen heroes and appreciate their independence.

The period of repression in the USSR, known in world literature as the   «Great Terror», can not be forgotten in Kazakhstan. An entire generation of outstanding Kazakh intellectuals, who defended the interests of their people, was destroyed during the period of repression. More than half of the Kazakh people died during the famine, and the country will not forget these events. In 1997, May 31 was declared the official Day of Remembrance for Victims of Repression. Every year on this day, events dedicated to the memory of those killed and injured during political repression are held throughout the country.

The book exhibition consists of three sections. The first section of «Kenestik zulmat» presents books about the difficult and harsh time - the years of the Stalinist cult, lawlessness and repression of the country's history: «Голод в казахской степи» (1991), «Голодомор в Казахстане: причины, масштабы и итоги» (2011), «1932-1933 жылдардағы ашаршылық ақиқаты» (2012), «Голодная степь» (2020), «Казахи между революцией и голодом» (2021), «Аштық жайлаған дала» (2023).

The second section «Alash azattygy zholynda» introduces readers to materials reflecting the fate of the advanced Kazakh intelligentsia – representatives of the Alash Movement. Collections of documents and materials reflecting the extraordinary steadfastness and devotion to their country of people who went through repression, about large detention camps - GULAG - ALGIERS, STEPLAG, KARLAG: «Алаш рухы» (2017), «Алаш жолы» (2017), «Қазақ мемлекеттілігі және Алашорда» (2018) are exhibited in a wide format, «Алашское дело 1920-1930 гг. Документы и материалы следственного дела, сфабрикованного ОГПУ» (2022).

The third part of  «Tulgalar rukhyna tagzym» presents books collected from the memories of children of victims of repressed personalities, with documentary materials on their full rehabilitation. And also, «Materials of the State Commission for the complete rehabilitation of victims of political repression in the 20-50 years of the twentieth century» in LII volumes, recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh.Ualikhanov.

The purpose of the exhibition is to acquaint readers with the history of the most tragic periods of Kazakhstan in 1920-1950 and the formation of patriotic feelings among young people, honoring the memory of victims of repression and respect for the historical past of the Kazakh people.

We invite you to the book exhibition!