In the reading room "Kazakstan kіptatary" organized a book exhibition "Tarikh gylymynyn tamyrshysy", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the famous writer, historian and ethnographer, Kazakh State Prize winner, honored worker of Kazakhstan Koishygar Salgarin.
Koyshygara Salgarin was born on April 1, 1939 in the aul Kokalat of Zhangeldy district of Kostanay region. In 1964 he graduated from the Department of Journalism of the Faculty of Philology of the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov (now Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi).
Salgarin began his career in 1957 as an editor of the newspaper "Rural Life", in 1957-1975 - as a correspondent of Kazakh Radio and Television. - He began his career in 1957 as an editor of the newspaper "Rural Life", in 1957-1975 as a correspondent of Kazakh radio, a research associate of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, an adviser to the State Secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an adviser on culture in the Embassy of Kazakhstan in China, a chief researcher at the G.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University.
The first satirical poems of the author were published in the press in 1960. The author of translations from Chinese into Kazakh of information about the history of the Kazakh people. The author of popular books "Siunnu", "Dunhu. Gauchi", "100 documents", a collection of satirical poems "Hook", a collection of essays "Yestay Yeszhanov", "Near a good man", stories and novels "The past days", a novel in two volumes "Kazak kazak bolgangda dein", "Kazak kazak bolgangan keyin", etc.
One of the special projects of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to N. Nazarbayev's program article "Look into the Future: Modernization of Public Consciousness" is "Modern Kazakhstani Culture in the Global World". Thanks to this project, the whole world is familiar with the achievements of national literature in six UN languages: Russian, English, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish and French. In 2018, nine works by contemporary authors who have received awards in literature and art were selected for the book series "Contemporary Kazakh Culture in the Global World". Among them is the trilogy "Kazaktar" ("Kazakhs") by K. Salgarin, who was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1996. The author's work has been translated into Arabic.
K.Salgarin was awarded two medals and a diploma of the Supreme Soviet of Kazakhstan. Winner of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1996). Honored Worker of Kazakhstan (2003).
The book exhibition from the fund of National library of Kazakhstan presents the materials about the life and creativity of the writer, his works and articles on the pages of periodicals.
We invite you to the book exhibition!