On May 27 there in the hall after N. Dauletova the Foundation “Arys” and the Museum of the political repressions (S. Zhanalyk) carried out in the off-line and on-line formats the Inter-country scientific-research conference by the theme “Kazak zhane Kyrgyz khalyktarynyn yurkinshilik kezenderindegy ozara komek tarikhynan”.
The moderator was the well-known scientist, director of the foundation for studying the heritage of the repressed intelligentsia of Kazakhstan and the publishing house “Arys”, doctor of science (philology), professor Anes Garifolla Kabdolkayiruly.
There with the word of greeting spoke the head of the Department of culture, archives and documentation of the Almatinskaya region Kulbayev Marlen Kapashevish.
There with the reports spoke: director of the Institute of history and ethnology after
Sh. Ualikahnov, doctor of science (history), professor Kabuldinov Ziyabek Esmukhanuly; director of the Institute of history, archeology and ethnography after B. Zhamgyrginov, doctor of science (history), professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of sciences of Kyrgyzstan Asankanov Ablabek; the vice-rector of the Highest diplomatic academy of the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic after K. Dyikanbayev, doctor of science (history), professor Kurmanov Zainidin Karpekovich; director of the State archives of the Kyrgyz Republic Bechekov Zhumabai Dabynovich; the assistant-professor of the Kyrgyz state university after I. Arabayev, candidate of science (history) Baidildeyev Zhumagul Rysbekovich; the head of the department of the Institute of history, archeology and ethnography after B.Zhamgyrginov, candidate of science (history) Kubatova Ayida Esenkulovna; the head of the Chair of Oriental studies of the Osh state university, candidate of science (history), assistant-professor Botonoyev Zholdoshbek Sovetbekovich; the poet Aisulu Kadyrbayeva and others.
There within the framework of the activity was organized the book exhibition “31 mamyr – Sayasi kugyn-syurgyn zhane asharshylyk karbandaryn eske alu kyuni” from the fond of National library of the RK.
Participants: the well-known scientists and poets-writers, honorable guests from the countries of the CIS and mass-media representatives.