
There in the Hall of periodical editions is organized the exhibition named “Centenary – the magazine AQIQAT”, dedicated to the jubilee of the national public-political magazine “Aqiqat”.

The magazine “Aqiqat” is the national public-political magazine. For the first time it was published in September, 1921 in Orenburg city under the name “Red Kazakhstan”. The name of the magazine was changed many times from 1924 to 1991: “Auyl kommunisy” (1932), “Kommunist” (1938), “Kazakstan bolshevigy” (1945), “Kazakstan kommunisy” (1952), “Aqiqat” (1991). The purpose of the magazine is the explanation to the Kazakh workers of the policy of Soviet power and the Communist party. In different years the magazine was headed by such Kazakh intellectuals like A.Asylbekov, N. Nurmakov, S. Saduakasov, O. Zhandosov, A. Baidildin, E. Aldongarov, N.O.Orazbekov, M. Ataniyazov, N. Kulzhanova, M. Fakhretdinov, Kh. Zhyusipbekov, Zh.Arystanov, Zh.Saduakasov, M. Dauletkaliyev, R. Sugirov, A. Musin, S. Segizbayev, S. Toleshev, A. Elshibekov.

At the present time chief editor is the well-known journalist, winner of many republican prizes, “Excellent worker of informational sphere of the RK” Dauyrzhan Tolebayev.

In 1991 the publication with the multi-year history determined its future and started coming out with the new contents and under the new title “Aqiqat”. There in the magazine are published the important scientific articles which in due time raise the topical problems of development of society, including the issues of politics, history, philosophy, economics, culture, philology.

The merits of the magazine “Aqiqat”, which became a special brand in the informational space of independent Kazakhstan was not left without attention. The fruitful work of the edition is highly estimated by the Academy of journalists of Kazakhstan, the Union of journalists of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of information of the RK. The magazine is awarded with the order of the USSR “Friendship of the peoples”, the diploma of National agency on the affairs of the print and mass-media. The winner of the all-national prize “Altyn Zhuldyz”. The magazine “AQIQAT» is published monthly in the Kazakh language and is distributed in all the regions of Kazakhstan.

There at the exhibition are presented the materials from the fond of National library of the RK, the publications of “AQIQAT” in all the historical years, the articles of the well-known public and political figures, writers, journalists published upon the pages of the periodical press.

                        We invite everybody to the exhibition!