Материалы Международного конгресса «Библиотека как феномен культуры» (Минск, 23-24 октября 2013 г.) / Национальная библиотека Беларуси ; составитель А.А. Суша. – Минск, 2013. – 323 с.
The collection contains materials of the conference "Information Society and the Knowledge Society: the role and place of libraries" and the exhibition "Electronic Information Resources and Services", October 23-24, 2013 at the National Library of Belarus. Reports of well-known specialists of national and major libraries, research institutions, representatives of other organizations, scientific institutions of Belarus and foreign countries, devoted to topical issues of library development, are published.
Исамадиева С.А.
Библиотечное общение: учебно-методическое пособие. – Павлодар, 2000. – 122 с.
The manual deals with the problems of library psychology, revealing the relationship between the librarian and the reader. The article presents the personal characteristics of a specialist, describes the psychological aspects of professional communication, introduces the structural elements of the communication culture, the methodology for determining psychological personality types, communication barriers, as well as the psychological and ethical aspects of interaction between readers and library staff.
The publication is addressed to students of library universities and colleges, undergraduates, in addition, the manual will be useful to all practical librarians.
БИБЛИОТЕЧНАЯ ПЕДАГОГИКА. История, теория, практика: учебное пособие / У.Д. Муналбаева. – Астана, 2015. – 250 с.
In modern conditions, the pedagogical function becomes one of the main ones in library activities. Therefore, there is a need to study the problems of library pedagogy. The proposed manual gives the history of librarianship in Kazakhstan, examines foreign experience, reveals various aspects of the pedagogical activities of librarians working with children. The issues related to the library resources of the pedagogy of children's reading are considered, and practical solutions are proposed for organizing various events in children's and school libraries. The specifics of library pedagogy are revealed.
The educational tool is intended for scientists, doctoral students, undergraduates and students of higher educational institutions of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, specialists of library pedagogy.
Specialists of the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took part in the work on the book: Isaakanova G. B., Bekpaeva B. S., Nuralinova K., Kozhabekova A., Nazyrova S., Tekesbaeva N., Taukova G., Shubina I., Knabaeva D., Bayanova Z., Ellusizova Sh., Abisheva A., Mustafina S., Aitbay R., Kusainova Goda.
Алешин Л.И.
Библиотековедение. История библиотек и их современное состояние : учеб. пособие / Л.И. Алешин. – М.: ФОРУМ : ИНФРА-М, 2018. – 239 с. – (Высшее образование: Бакалавриат).
The textbook analyzes the time period from the end of the XX century to the present, as well as for the near future, it considers the architectural features and design of the library buildings under construction, under construction and projected, and the automation of library library processes.
The issues related to the image and qualifications of library workers, the vector of the movement of modern libraries into the future, the types of information resources stored and provided, as well as the opportunities and options for interaction with social, cultural, leisure, educational structures and organizations are considered.
The manual is intended for students of higher educational institutions studying in the direction of training 51.03.06 "Library and information activities".
Библиотека и закон [Текст] : журнал-справочник. Тексты док., коммент., консультации. Вып. 43 (2’2017) / отв. Ред. О.Бородин. – Москва : Либер-Дом, 2017. – 384 с.
The next issue of the well-known journal-reference book includes four sections.
The first one contains federal legislative acts of all-Russian significance, whose implementation should be carried out with the participation of libraries and, undoubtedly, will have an impact on the evolution of the library and information sphere.
The second section «General principles of library activity» is devoted to an extremely important phenomenon in the life of the industry – the approval and implementation in the life of the industry – the approval and implementation in practice of the «Model Standard of public Library Activity».
Adopted by the All-Russian Library Congress in Krasnoyarsk in 2017 , the «Guide to local History activities of the Central Library of the subject of the Russian Federation» is the content of the third section of the volume. A significant part of the issue consists of the materials of the fourth section «Professional library education». This publication continues the corresponding selection, which was published in the 41st issue.
Библиотека и закон [Текст] : журнал-справочник. Тексты док., коммент., консультации. Вып. 44 (1’2018) / отв. Ред. О.Бородин. – Москва : Либер-Дом, 2018. – 384 с.
One of the most important official normative acts of recent times in the field of the development of national culture is the Concept of the Program to Support children's and Youth Reading in the Russian Federation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on June 3, 2017.
Offering the text of the Concept to the readers, the editorial board of the reference magazine accompanies it with a commentary article by the director of the RGDB M. A.
Алешин Л.И.
Материально-техническая база библиотек : учебное пособие / Л.И. Алешин. – М. : ФОРУМ, 2018.- 448 с. – (Высшее образование).
The material and technical base of libraries is considered. The book reflects the theoretical and practical aspects of the problem related to the design of library buildings, their engineering infrastructure, vehicles, furniture, audio-visual equipment, security, telecommunications and copying and copying equipment in the library.
For students, postgraduates and teachers of library and information, construction and design profile, for specialists of other professions involved in the construction, equipment and operation of libraries.
The book is a practical guide for librarians and information workers.