The Service of reference-informational servicing executes the following:
- The reference-consultation servicing of readers;
- The formation and maintenance of the traditional card catalogues;
- The consultation work in the search and implementation of the readers’ orders in the electronic catalogue of National library within the RALIS “Search-Order” system;
- The bibliographical requests with the use of the reference-bibliographical apparatus of the library;
- The provision and recommendations to the readers of the reference-bibliographical sources.
The open fond numbers 31 thousand reference, bibliographical and informational editions in all branches of science. there in the fond are presented the editions of the Book chamber of the RK – the chronicles of the newspaper and magazine articles, “Kazakhstanica” and also editions of the informational-bibliographical centres of Russia – VINITI, RAS INION. From 2007 the library receives the electronic variant of the Reference magazine VINITI in natural and technical sciences. There are provided the services of the Internet, is provided access within the Wi-Fi system, the data-bases, the electronic editions on CD, DVD-carriers in all branches of sciences. There is organized access to the full-text data-bases of EBSCO company, the legislative and normative documents of the RK “Paragraf” and “Etalon”. There is the possibility to order the electronic copies of documents from the fond of the National library.