30тәуелсіздікThere in the Service of periodical editions is organized the exhibition “Tauyelsizdyk akparat aidynynda”.

The exhibition of periodical editions “Tauyelsizdyk akparat aidynynda” discloses the three periods of development in the decade of independence of our country.

There in the sections: “Tauyelsizdyk tagylymy” are reflected the materials about the laying of the foundation of the new Kazakhstan (the Hymn, the Flag, the Coat-of-Arms of the republic), about the adoption of the Main law – the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, about

the formation of the system of administration, about the introduction of the national currency, about the creation of the Armed Forces etc; there in the section “Bir el – bir tagdyr” are situated the materials about the establishment of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan; “Astana-Baiterek” discloses the history of development of the capital which was transferred to the centre of Saryarka; there in “Kazakstan - 2050” Strategiyasy are presented the periodical editions, which highlight the stages of development and implementation of the strategy of the republic. There was set the goal of entering the number of 50 most developed states, there by each trend  were implemented the large-scale programmes. Together with the political and economic reforms special significance was given to spiritual revival, the materials are also interesting from the magazines by the State programme “Madeni mura”; “Uly dalanyn zhety kyry” – about the materials of the Programme “Madeni mura”; “Uly dalanyn zhety kyry” – about the materials of the Programme “Rukhani zhangyru”, oriented at the revival of the spiritual values of the Kazakhstanis taking into account all the modern risks and challenges of globalization and aimed at heightening the competitiveness of Kazakhstan in the world, at preserving the national identity, popularization of the cult of knowledge and heightening the quality of the human capital; there in the section “Tauyelsizdyk barinen kymbat” are presented the periodical editions which narrates about the main goals of development of the Kazakhstani society during the three decades.

The section “Mykty memleket – basekege kabiletty ult” highlights the way of modern Kazakhstan and the people who glorified the republic at the international arena in different branches of science and technology, culture and sport etc.

There at the exhibition are presented the periodical editions from the fond of National library of the RK from 1991.

                                   We invite everybody to visit the exhibition!