Библиотека и закон [Текст] : журнал-справочник. Тексты док., коммент., консультации. Вып. 46 (1’2019) / отв. Ред. О.Бородин. – Москва : Либер-Дом, 2019. – 384 с.
This issue of the journal «Library and Law» opens Federal Law No. 15-F3 «On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on issues of volunteerism (volunteerism)». It’s adoption did not accidentally coincide with the announcement of the Year of Volunteerism of the past 2018. Gratuitous performance of works and rendering of services is becoming more widespread in the Russian Federation. It develops in libraries both within the framework of traditional production processes – acquisition, maintenance, decoration of premises, and, first of all, in the organization of various events, in mass work with all categories of readers.
Библиотека и закон [Текст] : журнал-справочник. Тексты док., коммент., консультации. Вып. 47 (2’2019) / отв. Ред. О.Бородин. – Москва : Либер-Дом, 2019. – 384 с.
This section of the journal-reference book is devoted to a special field of training and retraining of personnel-additional professional education. Its system is gradually developing before our eyes and is currently based on a fairly solid (although not yet complete) regulatory framework, including documents of both a general nature and a library profile.