There in the reading hall after Oraz Djandosov is organized the book exhibition “Tauelsizdik zhane Tungysh Prezident”, dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the state holiday in Kazakhstan which is celebrated on December 1.
The historical prerequisite and foundation for the choice of the date of the holiday was the event which took place on December 1, 1991. It was namely on this very day in 1991when as the result of the first all-national election N.Nazarbayev was elected to the post of the President of the Kazakh SSR.
On December 10, 1991 one of the first steps of the President was the signing of the law about the renaming of the Kazakh SSR into the Republic of Kazakhstan. On December 16, 1991 the Supreme Soviet of the country declared the state independence of Kazakhstan which meant the announcement of Kazakhstan as a sovereign state. On December 10, 2011the Senate of the Parliament of the RK adopted the Law “On the addition of to the Law of the RK “About the holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. In accordance with the document, December 1 was declared the Day of the First President.
The day of the First President of the RK is established with the purpose of celebration and acknowledgement of the outstanding merits of the First President of Kazakhstan.
Also the celebration is organized with the purpose of acknowledgement of the achievements of N.Nazarbayev, which founded the Independent state and for 30 years’ time was the leader of the country.
There within the framework of the celebration of the Day of the First President of the RK are annually held the large-scale cultural-mass activities the main purpose of which was declared the strengthening of peace and concordance in the country.
The book exhibition “Tauelsizdik zhane Tungysh Prezident” out of the fond of National library of the RK and timed to the Day of the First President of the RK, highlights the pages in the biography and the chronicles of activity of N.A. Nazarbayev: the way from the metallurgist, public and party figure to the political leader, and also acquaints one with the main stages of establishment and development of sovereign Kazakhstan, with the economic and political achievements at the internal and international arena, the merits and the contribution of the President into the development of the Independent state.