On October 28, 2020 there at National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the opening of the reading hall after Oraz Zhandosov timed for the 110-th anniversary of National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 2020 there is to be celebrated 110-th birthday of National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The opening date of the first library is deemed December 31, 1910, when there by the decision of the Vernenskaya city duma opened the library-reading room. There by the Decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of Soviets of the KASSR dated March 12, 1931 named “On the establishment of the State Public library of the KASSR” the library was transformed into the State public library of the Kazakh SSR. The official opening of the State public library of the Kazakh ASSR took place on May 5, 1931. Since that time the library functions as the state national book depositary which collects and keeps the documentary written heritage of the Kazakhs and other peoples of Kazakhstan.
The first director of the library is Oraz Zhandosov, the prominent state and public figure of Kazakhstan (1931-1933). He is not only the outstanding figure of his epoch but first of all one of the organizers of the library. In 1931 O.Zhandosov writes: “The primary task of the SPL is the accumulation of the book fonds in all branches of knowledge and especially of all the printed production in the Kazakh language and all literature about Kazakhstan”.
Today the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the largest scientific-methodological centre of the libraries of Kazakhstan. There for the reading hall “Kazakstan kitaptary” of National library of the RK was given the name of the outstanding state figure of Kazakhstan Oraz Zhandosov.
The host of the activity was the head of the Alma-Atinskaya studio of the radio-stations “Kazak” and “Shalkar” Bakyt Zhagyparov. There at the solemn activity the introductory speech was spoken by director of National library of thye RK, chairperson of the Kazakhstani Library Union Ospanova Bakytzhamal Kayirbekovna. Also there spoke: the councilor of the minister of culture and sport of the RK Zhurinbayev Erlan Sydykovich, deputy head of the Department of culture of Almaty city Aliyev Daniyar Abzalidenovich; the granddaughter of Oraz Zhandosov, the public figure, activist of the eco-movement of Kazakhstan for the preservation of nature Zhandosova Azhar Sandzharovna. In their speeches they shared the materials and information about Oraz Zhandosov and expressed their warm wishes and the words of gratitude for the address of the library.
There within the framework of the activity in the reading hall were organized the informational stand “Oraz Zhandosov – the first director of National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and the book exhibition “Madeniyetty orkendetken Oraz” out of the fond of National library of the RK.
There in the activity participated: director of the National academic library of the RK of Nursultan city, professor, doctor of science (pedagogics) U.D.Munalbayeva, the grandsons of Oraz Zhandosov, and also the directors and specialists of the regional libraries of Kazakhstan.