There in the hall of periodical editions of National library of the RK is organized the exhibition dedicated to the 90-th anniversary of the republican newspaper “Ulan”.
“Ulan” is the republican newspaper for children and adolescents. For the first time the newspaper was published on March 14, 1930 as the internal newspaper on the 5-6 pages of the newspaper “Zhas Alash”. The newspaper called the Kazakh children for the reception of the primary and incomplete secondary education.
Between 1930 1nd 1937 the newspaper was published under the title “Pioner”, from 1937 to 1941 – “Oktyabr balalary”. It was not published during the years of the Great Patriotic war. In 1946-1989the title of the newspaper was renamed into “Kazakstan pionery”.
On November 5, 1930 the newspaper “Pioner” was published as a separate edition in the house №9 of Gogol street in Almaty city. There for the establishment of the newspaper helped the writers and the public figures: S.Seifullin, B.Mailin, I.Zhansugurov, G.Musrepov, S.Esova, M.Auezov, S.Mukanov, S.Begalin, B.Sokpakbayev.
In the postwar years the newspaper directed the efforts of the children for assistance to the grown-ups in the resuscitation of the national economy, development of stock-breeding and agriculture. During the period of cultivation of the virgin and long-fallow lands there in the newspaper were published the materials under the constant rubrics named “The letter from the virgin land” and “This is the help from the pioneers”. Also the newspaper acquainted its readers with the news of science and technology, literature and art, culture and sport. The main rubrics in those times were: “The young heroes of the planet”, “Opulence”, “The fourth, the fifth labour week”, “The comrade leader” and others.
The chief editors of the edition in different years were: A.Ismailov, A.Idrisov, S.Berdikulov, F.Ongarsynova, U.Kalizhan, B.Koishibayev, G.Dosken, B.Suleimenov, S.Kaliuly and others.
From the first years of independence of Kazakhstan the newspaper was given the modern title “Ulan”.
At the modern time the chief editor of the newspaper is Zhadyra Narmakhanova.
In 1980 in honour of the 50-th anniversary the newspaper “Kazakstan pionery” was awarded with the order “Kurmet” for the contribution in the upbringing of the growing generation.
In 2002 the newspaper “Ulan” was awarded “The Golden Star” of the Academy of journalistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the nomination “Children’s edition”.
There at the exhibition are presented the materials from the fond of National library of the RK, the articles of the children’s writers and journalists published in different years on the pages of the periodical press.
We invite everybody to the exhibition!