There on October 25, 2019 in the Hall of culture and literature of China is organized the book exhibition by the theme “The modern national literature and journalistics of China”.

Chinese literature is one of the most ancient ones, its history is measured by millennia. Like the whole of Chinese culture, the literary tradition is first of all marked by the continuity of its development, after each period of “burning books” there always followed the period of revival of the ancient knowledge.


The birth of Chinese literature belongs to the epoch Shang when there appeared “conjectural words” – the buts: the pictographical signs were put upon the shells of the tortoises and gradually with the passage of time were transforming turning into the hieroglyphs. The evolution of the written language did not lead to the appearance of

the alphabet. There with it is connected a number of peculiarities of Chinese literature. The national literature from the ancient times up to our days preserves their traditions, the formed cultural peculiarity of development of literature from generation to generation.

The country with the millennial culture, the country which demonstrates to the whole of the world the economic miracle, cannot be not interesting to the world reader. There is in modern Chinese prose the interesting histories and convincing characters, wonderful fantasy and the splendid language of narration.

The works of modern Chinese authors open to the reader the main thing –the peculiarities of the mentality of the modern Chinese people, their amazing living energy, the environment in which they live and survive, shortly that about which one does not get from the newspapers. In 2012 the Noble prize in literature was given to the Chinese author Mo Yang.

The wide-spreading of Internet-literature helps the young authors to announce about themselves. Besides, the powers begin to exert efforts for the wide-spreading of Chinese literature abroad, participate in the international book exhibitions-fairs and give grants for translations. One of such examples is the creation of the magazine version of “Zhenming vensueh” (“The people’s literature”) in the English language.

The first print newspaper in the world appeared in China in the VIII-th century.

The newspaper was called “Dio bao”, in it there were published the decrees of the emperor and the news about the most important events. The first modern newspaper in China started being published in Macao in 1822 under the name of “The bee of China”, “The Chinese monthly journal” appeared in Singapore in 1815, “The Eastern-Western monthly journal” saw the light in 1833. The beginning of the XX-th century became the golden period for the publishing industry in China.

There at the book exhibition are presented the books and magazines in the Russian, English and Chinese languages. 

We invite everybody to visit our exhibition!