The Agreement on cooperation for the implementation of the Russian-Kazakhstani project “Meetings at the boundaries”
We, the undersigned, hereinafter called “the Sides”
· Acting within the framework of the “Information for all” UNESCO Programme;
· Being guided by the principles of accessibility of information and freedom of thought, declared in the documents of the International federation of library associations and institutions (IFLA);
· Striving for the providing of human rights, the rights of the peoples and ethnic communities, public associations to free access to information and knowledge , the free spiritual development, acquaintance with the values of national and world culture , and also the cultural, scientific and educational activity;
· Striving for the widening of access to information which is public property via the regulation, digitization and preservation of information;
· Assisting the inculcation and striving for the use of international standards and advanced methods in the sphere of communication, information and informatization for the purpose of providing the universal accessibility of information;
· Making efforts for establishing the network interaction in the sphere of information and knowledge at the local, national, regional and international levels,
Have agreed on the following:
Article 1
The Sides are conducive to the creation of favorable conditions for the free access of the peoples of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan to the cultural and educational values, information and knowledge within the framework of the Russian-Kazakhstani project “Meetings at the boundaries”, the development of national cultures, the preservation of cultural and lingual diversity through the implementation of the present project “Meetings at the boundaries” for the purpose of creation of the united Russian-Kazakhstani electronic library.
Article 2
The purposes of the project are:
· The creation and placement in the Internet for free access of electronic collections that disclose the cultural-historical linksandcommon values of the peoples of Russia and Kazakhstan which are conducive to the wide propagation of their cultural heritage, the history of multilateral relations on the whole as well as within the framework of separate regions conducive to the development of mutual understanding and positive experience of mutual relations of the two peoples and states;
· The provision of general accessibility of information and cultural values for the citizens, who represent different diaspores through the increasing of the joint informational and cultural potential of the sides,
· The strengthening of the cooperation relations between the largest informational, educational and cultural centres of Russia and Kazakhstan;
· The assistance to the integration processes of cooperation between the two states.
Article 3
The main principles in the implementation of the Russian-Kazakhstani project “Meetings at the boundaries” are:
· The principle of general accessibility: the provision of equal unlimited access to the materials of the united electronic library for all the citizens of Russia and Kazakhstan;
· The principle of unity: the accenting and actualization of the single historical and Cultural roots, the provision of continuity and development of the cultures that interact and influence each other;
· The principle of harmonization: the provision of uniformity in the presentation and provision of the electronic resources.
Article 4
The Sides provide the implementation of the present project thorugh the solution of the following main tasks:
· The detection within the depositaries of Russia and Kazakhstan of materials that answer the purposes of the project, and their subsequent digitization;
· The development of the mechanism of partner interrelations and share participation in the implementation of the project between its participants at the regional (within the framework of the Russian Federation or Kazakhstan) as well as the interstate levels;
· The formation on this basis of an electronic collection which includes the digitalized images of documents and other monuments of history and culture which are kept in different fond-depositaries of Russia and Kazakhstan;
· The exchange on par by digitized editions, documents and their fragments;
· The creation of the specialized site;
· The provision of preservation of the digital material in the time limits comparable with the book culture.
Article 5
The head organizations for the implementation of the Russian-Kazakhstani project “Meetings at the boundaries” are:
- From the Russian side – the Federal state establishment “The Russian state library”;
- From the Kazakhstani side – the State establishment “The National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
The partners of the head organizations for the implementation of the present project are the Sides who have signed it.
Article 6
For the purposes of implementation of the present agreement the Sides create the Coordinating council and approve the Statutes about the Council which regulate its purposes, tasks, main trends of activity and the personal composition.
The Coordinating council has the right to create working groups by separate trends of cooperation of the Sides in the sphere of creation of the united electronic library.
Article 7
The Sides support, encourage and perfect the mutually beneficial cooperation between the participants of the project, and also between the proper organs of state administration and organizations in the sphere of library, archival, museum business etc.
The concrete terms and forms of interaction between the participants for the implementation of the given project are determined by additional agreements and are implemented in full accordance with the technical and other conditions, worked out by the head organizations.
Article 8
There for the purposes of assistance to the material-technical and financial backing of implementation of the Russian-Kazakhstani project the Sides (along with the financial means from the state budgets of Russia and Kazakhstan) carry out the search and attraction of additional financial means from the state and private establishments, public associations and private persons, and also support the idea of creation of the national and the interstate funds for the support and development of the present project.
Article 9
The Sides render mutual assistance in the preparation and non-stop training of the cadres for the implementation of the present interstate project for the creation of the united electronic library, encourage cooperation between the educational and scientific-research establishments and organizations, active in this sphere.
Article 10
The Sides may introduce into the present Agreement additions and amendments, which are fixed by the proper protocols and are inalianable parts of the present Agreement.
Article 11
The present Agreement is open for joining to it of other participants, who agree with its principles and goals and also who are ready to assume upon themselves in full volume the obligations by it. The joining is implemented with the agreement of the Sides by approving the proper protocol for the given issue, which will be an inalianable part of the present Agreement.
Article 12
The present Agreement comes into effect from the day of its signature.
Article 13
The present Agreement is concluded for the term of five years and is prolonged each subsequent five years, if the Sides do not take another decision.
Article 14
Any of the Sides may exit from the present Agreement by sending to the head organizations the written notification to this effect. The duration of the present Agreement is stopped for the indicated Side after expiration of six months from the reception by the head organizations of such a notification on the condition of obligatory informing of all the project participants about it.
Executed on January 20, 2004 in two genuine copies in the Russian and Kazakh languages.
The originals (genuine copies) of the agreement are kept in the Federal state establishment “The Russian state library” (Moscow city) and the State establishment “The National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (Almaty city).
The signatures:
For the Federal state establishment “The Russian state library”
For the State establishment “The National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (Almaty city)
For the Omsk regional universal scientific library after A.S.Pushkin
For the Northern-Kazakhstani regional universal library after S.Mukanov (Petropavlovsk city)