Informational Report of the National Library of the RK on the results of the scientific-search expedition into libraries and archives of the Western Europe within the framework of the implementation of the “Cultural heritage” State program that was held i (Written Sources and Literature on the Foreign Historiography of Kazakhstan)
From the compilers
The National Library of the RK, as the State book depository of the country and the institution of culture, provides free and wide access to the written heritage for all categories of readers, is the executer of the “Cultural heritage” State Program of the RK in accordance with the item 24 “Plan of activities for the implementation of the “Cultural heritage” State Program of the RK for 2004-2006” maintained by the resolution of the Government of the RK from 12.02.2004, N.171. According to this item there were carried out the scientific-search work on the identification of written heritage, having historical and cultural value for Kazakhstan and the Central-Asian region, in 8 libraries and 2 Archives of England, France, Spain, Italy, Vatican and Germany. The work on revealing documents was in the following directions: Manuscripts, The Largest Bibliographical Index on the Central Asia, The Major historical works, Archive documents, Modern foreign historiography of Kazakhstan, Scientific conferences materials, The Articles of Scientific magazines chronologically dated from 1840 till 2005, and Travelers’ Literature.
Great spade work preceded the organization of expedition: the lists were made up and checked, number of scientific works and monographs on sources were studied, historical, historiography, sources-investigation, culturologists opinions were got, coordination relations were arranged with institutions participating in “Cultural heritage” State Program of the RK.
Competence and responsibility of research expeditions’ participants (Z.D.Shaimardanova - candidate of science (history), the director of the Centre of studying and preserving the documental heritage of the NL RK, the leader of the expedition, Zh.M.Tulibaeva – doctor of science (history), leading scientific worker of the Oriental research institute, T. Zamzaeva - chief librarian of the Centre of studying and preserving the documental heritage of the NL RK) gave appropriate affirmative results. During the expedition copies of 77 manuscripts, 362 printed books and periodicals that were lacking in the stocks of libraries of the country, 57 books were acquired. For the first time letters of Khans of Golden Orda and Popes of Vatican, that became the beginning of diplomatic correspondence between Vatican and Step rulers, were revealed and acquired.
Giving into wide access of acquired copies of documents that are used in scientific circles can vitally supplement the history of the country.
The informational report is devoted to the research expeditions’ results. It reflects the most significant sources and literature on foreign historiography of Kazakhstan that are provided with short annotation.
For the first time for Kazakhstani science there is given the information of Secret Archives of Vatican, Apostolic library of Vatican in this report. The Director of the Secret Archives of Vatican the father Sergio Pagano said that for the first time in their history scientists from Kazakhstan conducted the investigations. Besides there is given the information about compositions quantity of manuscripts in Oriental languages of investigated libraries and archives.
It is necessary to point out that large number of visiting libraries and archives gave the opportunity to inform about the “Cultural heritage” State Program, that evoked great interest and respect to the country. Moreover, visiting libraries many times caused the experience exchange in the field of library-bibliographical work, consolidation of collaboration and development of partner relations between the National libraries of Western Europe and NL RK to have mutually beneficial exchange of information.
British Library / London
British Library, functioning as the National, is comparatively young (1,July,1973) and amalgamates several institutions (the library of British Museum, the National Central Library, the National Library on science and technology, the British National bibliography, the Board on scientific and technical information, the library of the Indian Board and reporting and the British Institute of Sound-recording). The base of the British Library is the department of printed books of the British Museums’ Library that was formed in 1753.
For the past years the library grew up in one of the largest libraries, in repositories of which one can find all the printed productions of Great Britain. 42 mln. records of books, maps, manuscripts, articles of magazines, audio and CD, records of newspapers are accessible in on-line regime. The reading-halls of new library building in San-Pankrase (1 266 seats) pass through for about 150 000 readers. There are 606 km of book-shelves in repositories of library; readers daily have access to new materials 44 m. long. The system of electronic service for readers is inculcated in the library. Every year there come about 190 000 titles of books, 172 000 periodical titles, about 5 000 pages are digitized.
The collection of manuscripts in oriental languages, the main part of the Indian and Oriental Offices’ collection, is one of the most significant in the world, it includes 14 000 of manuscripts, which are divided into collection of manuscripts in Farsi, the earliest of which is dated XII c.; Turkish manuscripts about Selguces, Mamlucks, Timurides, Mongols, Ottomans and other collections.
Copies of manuscripts from the British Library
التالیف الطاهر فی شیم الملک الظاهر القایم بنصرة الحق ابی سعید جقمق.
The work is written by the order of Egypt Sultan al-Malik az-Zakhir Zhakmak. It’s written by Arabshakh, Timurs’ historian, who from the earliest childhood lived in his Palace in Samarkand. It describes the first years of Shakmaks’ government and the history of Timur himself. It consists of two parts: the first part is like Al-Faraby's “Righteous khalives” work. The second – is historical one, where the chronology of Mamlucks is given, who governed in Egypt and Syria after al Malik Azzakhir, beginning from the government of al Malik al Ashraph Barsabay,
There is in the colophon pointed out the name of copyist “Mukhammad ben Zhamaladdin ben Mukhammed al Mutbuli al Ansari” and the date of finishing the copying “in Mukharram month on the 22 day” without indicating a year.
Arabic, small naskh, 129 pages, 21 lines on the page, the text is in the red frame, 20,3 x 14 sm.
عجائب الدنیا. ابراهیم بن وصیف شاه.
Adzhaib ad-dunia. Ibrakhim ben Uasiph Shakh.
It is the only copy in the world that is in the British Library. This manuscript is the geographical work, which describes lands of Arab khaliphate and Caspian lands. I.Yu. Krachkovsky supposed that the author lived in VII (khidzhry), but it’s indicated in the manuscript that he lived in IV c. The manuscript is divided into 3 parts. In the 1 part there are described seas, islands, temples, their building and the reasons of their erection. In the 2 part there is the history of mankind, beginning from Adam and Eve, prophet Noy. The author divided lands in continents. He describes lands of Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Goga, Magoga etc. In the 3 part there are rulers’ biographies of above mentioned lands. There is a note in the colophon: “The manuscript is written in Shaval month on the 24-th day in 1093 kh.” and the name of copyist – dervish Ali ben Shamsutdin.
Arabic, 109 pages, 17 lines on the page.
Copies of books from the British Library
A Plain Chart of the Caspian Sea, according to the observation of Capt. John Elton, author of Elton’s’ Quadrant and Thomas Woodroof, Master of the British Ship Empress of Russia, who navigated this sea three years. Presented to Mr. Jonas Hanway of St. Petersburg in 1745, by … T.Woodroof. I.Gibson sculp. Marine leagues.- London, 1753.- 536x350 mm / From Admiral Lord Howe’s Collection.
The whole map of navigation on the Caspian Sea from Admiral Lord Howe’s collection. The map is formed by the observation of captain Elton John and Thomas Woodroof. The map was presented to J.Hanway, the partner of the English Trade Company in St. Petersburg, who swam across the Caspian Sea to Persia in 1743-46 in company’s interests. There is matched current territory of Kazakhstan on the map.
Carruthers, Douglas. Beyond the Caspian, a naturalist in Central Asia, by Douglas Carruthers… [Foreword by D.A. Bannermann]. – Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1949.- Pp.124, 126-127, 136-137, 146-147, 158-163.
The author gives a short historical lay-out of the Central-Asian region, describes contemporary state of Kirghizes, some traditions and customs, like falcon’s hunting, describes Kashgar in the 5-th and the 6- th chapters (“The Upper Tartaria”). The publication is accompanied by illustrations and maps.
Cable M., French Fr. Hunter Georges. Apostol of Turkistan.- London: China Inland Mission, 1948.- Pp.236-253, 256-261.
The Great Britain was one of the most important participants of “The Great Game” for the influence sphere in Asia. The Eastern Turkistan at the beginning of the XX c. was the object of rivalry between Great Britain and Russian Empire. The book of British missionaries Mildred Cable and Francesco French was devoted to this theme and to the investigations of the Chinese Turkistan that was made by George Hunter, a passionate lover and investigator of this region.
Milton, John. A brief History of Moscovia… To which are added other curious documents, with the introduction of Prince D.S. Mirsky. Ill. by A. Brodovitch.-London: Blackamore Press, 1929.-122 p.
The book of John Milton “A brief history of Moscovia and other little-known countries, lying to the east from Russia”, published after the author’s death at the beginning of 80-s of the XVII c., appreciably stands out by its content. Besides practical data about price for the Siberian furs, ways and routs to Vologda, Arkhangelsk, Moscow there is the information about politics, geography of the country, about cultural way of life and history of Russian people and other peoples of Russian Empire. Information of spiritual culture is something absolutely new for English historiography at the beginning of the XX c. that makes Milton’s work very interesting. The book was written till 1652, when Milton became blind.
Bodleian Library / Oxford
Bodleian Library is one of the oldest libraries of the world; it consists of Central Bodleian library, and 8 subordinate libraries: Japanese Bodleian library, Legal Bodleian library of Law, Huck library, Indian Institute’s library, Eastern Institute’s library, Philosophy library, Scientific library of Radcliffe and library of Rods House. Its name after diplomat Sir Thomas Bodlei, thanks to whom the copy of each book, published in Great Britain was delivered to the library since 1610. It’s settled down in the buildings of the XVII c., from which blowing history, Middle Ages, time, when European science had just arisen. It is the main research library of the Oxford University. Scientists of all over the world used its collections. The stock counts 7.135.000 volumes (184 km. of shelves), among which there are about 4,5 mln. books, about 1 mln. volumes – in wide access, 190.500 manuscripts. The Electronic catalogue OLIS (Oxford Library System) includes 5.185.000 of records, computer terminals with access to this catalogue placed in all the reading-halls of the library. There are given out about 800.000 documents in 30 reading-halls (2.486 places) every year, which are visited by about 22.000 readers.
Copies of manuscripts from Bodleian Library
تنقیح تواریخ ملوک.
Tankikh tauarikh muluk. Khusein Efendy.
The author of “The Common History of World” often named as Khasarfann, the 8-th chapter from 9 chapters (babs) of manuscript he devoted to the history of China, Tartaria. Khotan and Katan, the 9-th one – to the history of new word and America. Copyist is dervish Sayid Mukhammad Yuny.
It was written in 1135 kh. (1723). Arabic, nastalic, 311 pages. 13 lines on each page, 21,6x15 cm.
فنون البلاغة لطائف طرازی.
Funun al-balyagat. Sheikh Akhmad ibn Khudaidad.
It was written for Amir Ulugbek Mirza ben Shakhrukh (the ruler of Transoccania since 812 kh./1409 till approximately 852 kh./1448). Its noteworthy that the author Sheikh Akhmad ibn Khudaidad was from Taraz by birth. There are comments in Turkish and Farsi. The manuscript consists of 5 fanns (kinds of art). This work is about rhetorical and metrical arts. Pages of the text are decorated by vegetable ornament. It was copied in Bukhara, the copyist is Mir al-Khusein, known as Mir Kulunky al- Khadzhy.
Chagatay language, nastalic, recopied in 989 kh. (1581), 139 pages, 14 lines on the page, 31,8x24,8 cm.
تذکرة الاوایسیة.
Tazkira-i Uayisia.
The anonymous collection of saints’ biography testifies that suffyi sect had been settled on the territory of the Middle Asia. There are described biographies of people, involved in this sect in this manuscript. For example, on L.66/b – Sultan Satuk Bogra khan (founder of the Karakhanid dynasty), on L.350/a there is information about Aisha of Kashgar (Aisha Biby)
Chagatay language, nastalic, recopied approximately in XVIII c., 354 pages, 11-15 lines on the page, 24,2x24,2 cm,
تاریخ قبچاقخانی. قبچاقخان عرف خواجم قلی بیک بلخی بن قبچاقخان مرحوم عرف امام قلی قوس بیکی سبحان قلیخان اولی توران.
Kipchak-Khan. Tarikhy Kipchakkhany.
The author of the Kipchak-Khan is known as Kulibek Balkhy ibn Kipchak-Khan The date of finishing of writing is November, 1724. There is information about prophet Mukhammed, 4 righteous khalifs, 12 imams, about Ommijads and Abbasides, about the founder of 4 Moslem Law schools in the manuscript. On L.27 there is information about dynasties of Tatars and Mongols. On L.80 – about 6 peoples, including Turkish emirs of the Front Asia. On L.97 – about India’s rulers. On L.109 – about 5 peoples: about Timur and his conquest, about Kara-koyunlu and Ak-koyunlu peoples, about Safavids, Sheibanids, about dynasties of Turkish rulers till Sayid abu al Fadl Khana.
At the end of the second part (L.296) there is said that manuscript’s copy was made by Sayid Khafiz Masum and Takhalus Saky for Kipchak-khan Bakhadur (probably, it’s the autor himself)
Farsi, small nastalic, 598 pages, from 11 till 15 lines on the page, 42,6x33,7 cm.
Tarikhy Kipchakkhany
سلسلة السلاطین.
Silsilа as-salatin. Khodzha Mirmukhammed Salim.
It consists of 2 parts and is devoted to Mukhammad Shakh, the Mongol Emperor (1719-1748), about whom is written on L.3a and his full name is given. The 1-st part reflects the Mongol race history, from Adam and ending by the genealogy of Chingiz-khan, Timur, their successors and partly Mongol Emperors of India. On L.312 b the author points out that his father played an important part in Maveranakhr’s history. The 2-nd part is dedicated to the history of Shaibanids, Ashtarkhanids, Sultans of Maveranakhr till 1123 kh. (1733), it begins with the history of Uzbek khans – Sadrkhan ben Abulkhair Khan and Mukhammad Khan Shaibany, Shaibanid dynasty’s founder.
Without date, Farsi, nastalic, 338 pages, from 15 till 19 lines on the page, 31,8x22,2 cm.
Copies of books from Bodleian library
Abbot, James, Sir, K.C.B. Journals and Diaries of Captain J.Abbot, 1846-1849 [With a Map]. – In: Selection from the Punjab Government Records. Vol.4.- 1911, - Pp.53-60,75-90,173-183,234-243,256-301, Map.
Author describes the Central-Asian region, Kokand, Horasan, Bukhara cities, their borders, dimensions, area, and climate. Describing Caspian and Aral seas he tells about Astrakhan, populated by Kazakh people (Kuzzauks). There are given some statistics data concerned with quantity and complement of population, an interest is caused by economic statistics too.
Wessels C. Early Jesuit travels in Central Asia. 1623-1721. – New Delhi – Madras: Asian Educational Services, 1992. – 344 p.
The book tell about early Jesuits travels (Jesuit Society, formed in 1534) forgotten pioneers and investigators of Asia, namely Tibet. This book is the collection of geographical, historical and cultural information, gained by Jesuit-missionaries during XVII-XVIII cc. There are described impressions about peoples, earlier unknown to Europeans in each chapter. Publication is of invaluable source of information for everybody, who is interested in early investigation of Asia.
Littlepage, John D., Demaree Bess. In the search of Soviet Gold. – London: George G. Harrap and Co Ltd, 1939,- Pp. 53-60,75-90, 173-183,234-243, Map.
American engineer J.Littlepage describes events of 1928-1937 in Siberia, Eastern Turkistan and Kazakhstan, where he was with group of workers of mining deposits. The author voices his opinion on events of 1917, describes collectivization. The 7-th chapter “Abolition of kulaks” (p.75-84) describes in detail this hard period of history from abroad contemporary’s look. In 1934 he worked in Kazakhstan steps, in Eastern Kazakhstan (p.173, 176, 183). The book is also published in French in 1939.
Bruine, de Cornelius. Cornelius de Briuns reizen over Moscovie, door Perse en Indie.- Amsterdam, 1714. – Pp. 84-89, 418-427, 434-445.
Well-known Dutch traveler and painter Cornelius de Bruine (1652-1712) made his 1-st travel to countries of Europe and the Middle East (Italy, Egypt, Syria and others). In 1701-1707 de Bruine made his 2-nd travel to Russia, Persia, India, to the islands of Ceylon and Java, after which across Astrakhan, Moscow and Arkhangelsk by the sea he turned back to his motherland – in Amsterdam. In 1711 he published the description of his 2-nd traveling. The following years this publication was translated into several European languages. “Mountains of this country were barren and unwooded, but further they become better. Kalmyk Tatars had made their raids from these places up to Kazan and conquered everything: people, cattle and etc.”
In England’s shops there were bought following books
Brower D. Turkestan and the Face of the Russian Empire. – London-New York: Routledge Curzon, 2003. – 211 p.
Brower D. is a professor of history at the University of California-Davis city. His monograph is concentrated on political and social history of Russian Empire in respect of Turkestan, analyzed ideological and cultural prerequisites to colonization of Turkestan, successes and fails of this politics. There are used materials of main archives of Uzbekistan and Russia.
Middleton N. Extremes along the Silk Road: Adventures off the world’s oldest superhighway. – London: John Murray, 2005. – 289 p.
The book of N. Middleton, the teacher of geography of the Oxford University, winner of “Royal Geographical Society” competition, who traveled in our days by the Silk Road. There is brief historical review of the Silk Road regions, description of social-cultural situation of cities on the Silk Road in this book. Author describes in detail Aral Sea and neighboring region.
Companion to historiography / Ed. by M.Bentley, prof. of Modern History Univ. of St.Andews.- London-New-York: Routledge, 2002. – 997 p.
Michael Bentley is a professor of modern history of the University of St.Andrews (England). “Can one book of whole historical description (historiography) of the past and present go into 1.000 pages”, - “Choice” periodical wrote. M.Bentley was able to do it. His book includes the best articles, statements, repots of leading historians and historiographers of all the world.
Manning P. Navigating world history: Historians create a global past. – New York: Palgrave, 2003. - 425 p.
This monograph of P. Manning, professor of history and Afro-American investigations of the North-Eastern University, where he leads the Global historical Center is the historical review and current condition in the field of history. There are discussed the questions of teaching, realization of scientific investigations, evolution of world history’s studying in the book. It’s a kind of reference-book and itinerary for those, who investigate not only questions of modern world history, but historiography. The book consists of 5 parts: Evolution of the world history, Revolution of historical investigations, Results of the last investigations, Analytical logic in the world history, Studying and researching of world history. Bibliography placed at the end of the book, includes more than thousand denominations, more than half of which are published since 1989
Bibliotheque nationale de France (Paris)
In 1368 Karl V nicknamed “Wise”, founded library in Louver that counts 917 manuscripts. In 1537 according to the Royal order each publisher must present his book put out for sale to the library. This obligation, called inevitable copy is considered main date of this library’s foundation. In Ludovic XVI the library gets the most flourishing in forming its collections. In the period of the French revolution (1789) within the framework of politic of confiscation of cultural values it’ stocks had really enriched.
Collections of French National library (FNL) are variable: there are printed books (1537), prints, maps and plans (1648), music heritage (1793), photos and phonograms (1925), videogramms and documents on other carriers (1975). Every year the library gets legal copy of approximately 55.000 books, 15.000 phonogramms, 7,200 videogramms, 7.500 multimedia documents, 2.000 musical scores, 3.000 photos.
The electronic catalogue BN-OPALE Plus contains 7.700.000 records that include printed documents and about 775.000 records of audiovisual records. An information depot BN-OPALINE includes maps and plans, prints and photos, music, coins, medals, manuscripts – totally about 800.000 records.
The department of Oriental manuscripts keeps the manuscripts on different carriers: papyrus, leather, paper, parchment, ivory, silk, wood. All non Greek-Latin cultures beginning from Ancient Egypt, the Middle East, Northern Africa, Asia and Oceania and before Columbian America are represented in originals. The manuscripts reflect all the fields of knowledge: mathematics, Law, medicine and pharmacology, geography, history, literature and religion. Manuscripts are divided into 50 stocks according to the language: Arabic stock (7270 manuscripts), Pellio-China collection (3.700 manuscripts), Pellio-Tibet collection (3.100 manuscripts), manuscripts in Farsi (2.600), in Turkic languages (2.000), in Sanskrit (1900), stock in Ivrit (1480), collection of manuscripts in Kopt, Mexican and Egypt languages.
Copies of manuscript from the BNF
تاریخ ترکستان.
Tarikh-i Turkestani. Mokhamed Amin ibn Murza Zeman Bukhary.
Manuscripts tell about history of Shaibanis and Janids, and especially, of Subkhan Kuly Mokhammed Bakhadur Khan (dead in 1091 khidzhry). Description ends by 1109 kh. Without introduction, work begins with brief history of Timurids: Timur – L.1, Shakh Rukh – L.15, Ulug Bek – L.21, Babur – L.24, Sultan Khusein Mirza - L.32., Sheibanids – L,49, Janids – L.96.
At the end of government of each ruler one can find biographies of statesmen and men of religion and poets.
Farsi, copied in 1278 kh. (1861) Abd al-Azim Buchary, beautiful nastalic, 186 pages.
احوال چنکیزخان و اقساق تمور.
The history of Chingiz-khan and Lame Timur.
Manuscript hasn’t author’s name. There is brief information about Altai tribes that were given by Rashid ad-Dyn and Abul-Gazy with the illustration of their tamga, Timur’s history begins from L.19.
It’s copied in the Central Asia in XVIII c., middle-Turkic language, naskh, 34 pages, 21x15 cm, half-binded (N.143)
جهان نما.
The treatise on world geography. Katib Cheleby Mustafa Khalif.
The author is Katib Cheleby Mustafa Khalif, called Khadzhy Khalif. Manuscript is gathered on the basis of big quantity of western and eastern treatises, with author names in foreword. It’s copied in Safar months in 1065 kh. (the 11 of December in 1654 – the 8-th of January in 1656). The title is given on L.10 as the author’s name. The manuscript begins with the introduction in geography and cosmography of 5 parts of the world. It contains the description of Asia. The manuscript is decorated with colored maps, it’s made with great thoroughness after the designs of European atlases The table displaying coordinates of different regions of Asia, beginning from Asia to Armenia, is on L.1-17.
It’s the Turkic letter, the text is placed in golden frame, it’s copied by Makhmud, Sheikh abd Allakh’s son, who is the son of Sheikh Mutakim, who dated his work: Sunday, the 28-th day of Raby month the 2-nd in 1142 kh. (November, 21, 1729), 243 pages, 33x21,5 cm., the Oriental bind, blue marroken (N.215).
کتاب بلغة المشتاق فی لغة الترک و القفجاق. الترکی.
The Dictionary of Turkic language and Kipchaks’ land or of the Golden Orda. Imam Jedal ed-Din Abu Mokhammed Abd Allakh al-Turky.
There is no author’s name and title in the foreword, but there are on L.7/ the back of the page. The author, as it’s seems from his name, al-Turky wasn’t an Osmalian by birth. Obviously, he worked in Cairo intending to create the dictionary of colloquial language of Mamlucs, who ruled in Egypt.
It’s a very beautiful naskh of mamlucs with vowels, copied in Cairo in the 1-st part of XV c. – for Turkic Dictionary.
Turkic nastalic of XVII c. – for terdjy-bend Iraky, 88 pages, 21x15,5 cm. Turkic cardboard (N.293).
تاریخ کزیده.
The brief world history, beginning from world’s origin till 730 khidzhry Khamd Allakh ibn Ali Vekr ibn Akhmed ibn Nasr Mostaufy Kazvini.
Author’s name is shown in the foreword of this manuscript (L.4/the back page). It’s dated by 989 khidzhry. (1581). Farsi, Persian nastalic, 357 pages, the text is placed in blue frame, 23,5x16 cm. Persian bind, marroken with black ornament. (N.2282)
منتخب التواریخ معینی.
The brief course of world history from origin of the world till the end of Emir Timur Kerguen’s government.
The chronicle consists of world history’s observation that was composed by Moslem example. There is information about each dynasty in table form, names of Khans, Shahs, their ancestors, prophets and philosophers. There is presented the history of world’s beginning. For example, the information about Golden Orda one can find on L.303 / the back page.
817 khidzhry, (1414-1415). Farsi, italic naskh, 416 pages, 25,5x18 cm. Persian leather binding. N. 2283.
تقویم التواریخ.
Chronological table of Moslem history. Khadzhy Khalyf
This is one of Kh.Khalyf’s copies, finished in 1058 khidzhry Tables are in Farsi, foreword and appendix is in Turkic. The 1-st tables reflect the history of the world from Adam, then there are tables concerning the events of Moslem world from the 1-st year of khidzhry till 1059.The owner of manuscript added the date of Osmanaly dynasty’s coming to power till Sultan Makhmud in 1223. There are tables of oriental dynasties with the dates of coming to power and quantity of Khans. (L.94/ the back page). The manuscript ends with the conclusion and undated list of Egypt’s rulers.
It’s copied in Constantinople, the middle of XVII c., Turkic naskh, 126 pages, the text is in red frame, 19,5x14 cm. Turkic binding, brown binding with pictures and gold, N.2293.
Collection of diplomatic documents, letters and literary works.
There are names of the rulers of Persia of the period between Mongols and Sefevids, Sheibanids, Djelairids, Muzaferids, Timurids in the manuscript. There are mentioned: Mulan Abd al-Khack, Sultan Akhmed Djelair, Amir Kasym-i Anvar, Moin ed-Din Djamy. In this manuscript, decorated in Gerat School’s style, on L.136/the back page, there is a letter of Shah Shojy to Timur and Timur’s letter written in the period of his fail in Kurdistan (L.148/the back page). There are treatises about music, book about chess, statements on records, gifts, made in Sultan Hussein Mirza government’s period in the manuscript.
It’s copied on the north-east of Persia, approx. in 1520, Farsi, Persian nastalic, the text is in golden frame, Persian binding in soft leather. N.2336.
تاریخ راقم.
Tarikh-i Rakhimi (the collection of two works concerning the history of Turkic peoples).
It’s the history of Transoccania, beginning from Tamerlan till 1054 kh., made by Rakhim. This chronicle is the collection of chronograms of events happened in Transoccania, in Uzbek Khanate. The chronograms gives always exact dates of events that is very important for studying political history of named period. The historical table of the Tarikh-i Rakhimi is one of the most significant chronicles that can be compared with chronicles of Sheibanids and Janids, made up by Mohamed Bukhary, who absolutely obviously helped Rakhim in composing this one. The manuscript is accompanied with the foreword from Zafarname, with the history of Tamerlan, written by Sherif ad-Din Aly Uazdy, known as Tarikh-i Dzhikhangir.
Dated by 1217 kh. (1802-1803), nastalic in 2 hands, 310 pages, Rakhim’s chronicle is written in large Bukhara nastalic, 24,5x15 cm., Bukhara binding, decorated with vegetable ornaments. N.2320.
Copies of books from the BNF
Bibliography of Islamic Central Asia / Compil. and ed. by Yuri Bregel. – Parts I-III. - Bloomington: Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies at Indiana University, 1995.
Part I: LXXIV+773 pp.;
Part II: XLIII+774-1512 pp.;
Part III: XXXII+1513-2276 pp.
The bibliography of the Islamic Central Asia” by Uryi Bregel the known orientalist, professor of the Bloomington (Indiana) university, director of the Inner Asia Institute, has about 30.500 titles of books, articles from periodicals, published from the XVII c. to 1988 on the history and culture of the Central Asia. The bibliography is divided into the following sections: 1. History: General and Political; 2. History: Social and economic (till the Russian conquest), 3. History: Social and economic (after the Russian conquest); 4. Religion; 5. Culture; 6. Descriptions and travels; 7. Written sources for the Central-Asian history; 8. Ethnography; 9. Folklore; 10. Applied art; 11. Physical anthropology; 12. Archeology; 13. Numismatics; 14. Architecture; 15. Fine (Visual) art; 16. Auxiliary historical disciplines; 17. Historiography; 18. Bibliography.
Tchokaiev, Moustafa. Deux contes modernes du Turkestan. Traduits du Kirghize en Russe. – P. 145-151
Tchokaieff, Moustapha. Chez les Soviets en Asie Centrale. Reponse aux communists francais (Traduction du Russe). – Paris. – 1928. – P.5-64.
Tchokai-Oghly, Mousrapha. Les buts et les tendances du movement nationaliste en Turkestan. P.214-253.
Moustapha Chokay (1890-1941), the leader of Turkestani national-liberation movement, the Prime-Minister of Kokand (Turkestan) autonomy, left significant quantity of statements, speeches, articles, which became accessible for wide circle of investigators and readers of the National library of the RK. They were printed as monographs (Tchokaieff, Moustapha. Chez les Soviets en Asie Centrale. Reponse aux communists francais (Traduction du Russe). – Paris. – 1928. – 64 p.), they were published in popular periodicals, for example, “The Journal of Royal Central Asian Society”, “The Asiatic Review”, ”Orient et Occident”, “Revue du monde musulman”, “Promethee”. The written heritage of M.Chokai lights up the questions of national-liberation movement in Turkestan, of establishment of the Soviet power (Chokayev M. Turkestan and the Soviet regime // Journal of the Royal Central Asian Society. – 1931. – Part I-IV. – P.404-420), of basmachs’ movement, of domestic and foreign policy of USSR in 1920-40. (Chokaiev M. The Bolsheviks and Afghanistan; Recent soviet publications // The Asiatic Review, - 1929, - N.83. – Vol. XXV. – P.496-519), of activities of rulers of Alash intelligentsia and Soviet Turkestan (Tchokai-Oghly, Mousrapha. Les buts et les tendances du movement nationaliste en Turkestan, Le Turkestan depuis la revolution Russe (1917-1921). His statement “Fifteen years of Bolshevik rule in Turkestan” that he made at the session of this society on the 29-th of March in 1933, was published in “Journal of Royal society of Central-Asian investigations” (Fifteen years of Bolshevik rule in Turkestan / Transl. from the French // The Journal of Royal Central Asian Society.- 1933. – Vol. XX. – P. 351-359. “Two modern tales of Turkestan” (Deux contes modernes du Turkestan), translated from Kirghiz into Russian by M.Chokay were published in magazine “Muslim world’s review” / Revue du monde musulman. – 1922. – Vol.L, - P.145-150, Paris): “Bag of not more than thimble’s size” and “The legend about Timur’s wife” (Un sac pas plus grand qu’un de, Une legende sur la femme de Timour), that testifies literary interest of M.Chokai.
Pelliot, Paul. La Fille de Mo-tch’o Qaghan et ses rapports avec Kul-Tegin // T’oung Pao ou Archives concernant d’histoire, les langues, la geographie et l’ethnographie de l’Asie Orientale [Leide: E.J.Brill].- 1912. - Vol. XIII - Pp. 301-306.
Pelliot, Paul. Histoire secrete des Mongols: restitution du texte mongol et traduction francaise des chapitres I a VI. - Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1949. – 196 p.
Avant-propos, P. I-II,
Avertissement, P. 1,
Histoire secrete des Mongols, P.1-3.
Pelliot, Paul. Inscriptions nestoriennes de Semirec’e: [Suivi de] Origine du nom de Fou-lin // Journal Asiatique. – 1914. - # 1.- P. 496-500.
Pelliot, Paul. F. Risch. Wilhelm von Rubruk. Reise zu den Mongolen // T’oung Pao: Archives concernant l’histoire, les langues, la geographie, l’ethnorgaphie et les arts de l’Asie orientale, Revue dirigee par Pual Pelliot, member de l’Institut, prof.du College de France, et J.J.L.Duyvendak, Prof. A l’Universite de Leyde. - 1936.- Vol. XXXII. - P. 79-80.
Pelliot, Paul. Notes sur Karakorum // Journal Asiatique. – 1925. – N.1. – P.372-375.
Pelliot, Paul. Une tribu meconnue des Naiman: les Batakin // T’oung Pao: Archives consernant l’histoire, les langues, la geographie, l’ethnographie et les arts de l’Asie Orientale. – 1944. - Vol. 37-3 . - P. 35-72.
For the first time the stocks of the National library of the RK are supplemented with the collection of works by Pelliot Paul (1878-1945), the French orientalist (sinologist, historian and linguist), Corresponding Member of RAS (Russian Academy of Science) (1922) and Academy of science of the USSR (1925). Pelliot was a participant (1899) of the archeological expedition from Indo-China to Hanoi., which became the beginning of creating the French school on studying the Far East. In 1902-1904 was a participant of the archeological expedition to Indo-China. He made several journeys to Peking, where he got many manuscripts, which became the basis of the National libraries’ Chinese stock. He was the investigator of the Chinese Turkestan in 1906-1909. His work “About kumans” / Pelliot, Paul. A propos des comans // Journal Asiatique. – 1920. – Avril-June. – P.125-185 (the copy is gained from the National central library of Florence.
Castagne J. Les basmatchis. Le mouvement nationale, des indignes d’Asia centrale. 1917-1924. – Paris: Leroux, 1925. – 88 p. [микрофильм]
Castagne J. Le congres de turcologie de Bakou (mars, 1926). – Paris: E.Leroux, 1926.- 90 p. [микрофильм]
Castagne J. Le developpement d’une langue ecrite nationale chez les peuples orientaux de l’Union Sovietique et la naissance de leurs alphabets nationaux // Revue des etudes islamiques. – 1928. - Cahier 1. - P. 1-46 p.
Castagne J. La latinisation de l’alphaet turc dans les Republiques turco-tatares de l’U.R.S.S. // Revue des etudes islamiques. – 1927. - Cahier III.- P. 321-353.
Castagne J. Le Mouvement de latinisation dans les republiques Sovietiques musulmanes et les pays voisins: documents de presse russe // Revue des etudes islamiques. – 1928. - Cahier IV.- P. 550-566, 588-595.
Castagne J. Les Musulmans et la politique des Soviets in Asie Centrale. Les Indes et l’Egypte vues de Russie. - Paris: Editions Ernest Leroux, 1925. – 125 p.
Castagne J. Notes de voyage en Asia centrale. – Rouen: Impr. de la Guy, 1908.- 17 p. [микрофильм]
Castagne J. Russie slave et Russie turque // Revue du monde musulman. – 1923. – Vol.56. – 261 p. [микрофильм]
Castagne J. Les tamgas des kirghizes (kazaks) // Revue de monde musulman.- 1922. - Volume L.- P. 28-56.
Castagne J. Le Turkestan depuis la revolution Russe (1917-1921) // Revue du monde musulman. – 1922. - Vol. L. - P. 28-63.
- Castagne created course of works devoted to the history of Turkestan. He was an archaeologist, ethnographer, linguist, historian, vice-chairman of the Orenburg scientific archive committee, Josephe-Antoine Castagne, or Iosif Antonovich as he was called in Turkestan, where he lived since 1912. In Tashkent he became a member of the Turkestan circle of Archeology-lovers (TCAL), and in a year he joins the Turkestan department of Russian Imperial Geographical society (TDRIGS). He was awarded written thanks of the Minister of public education of Russia for his work “The Antiquities of Kirghiz steppe and Orenburg region”. After the revolution of 1917 Castagne decided to turn back to France, in 1918 V.Ch.K (All-Union extraordinary commission) prepared his arrest. Having to leave Turkestan, J.Castagne kept his love to the region for ever. V.V.Bartold mentioned him positively - noticing the strict scientific way of Castagne in collecting archeological materials that was so unusual for archeologist-amateurs of that time. In France J.Castagne wrote: “Turkestan is a country of real contrast and grandeur. Everything is really touching in it” His works looked tendentious in the Soviet historiography, and the archaeologist himself was announced as “an agent of imperialistic states”.
The following books from Paris shops were bought
Jan, Michel. Le voyage en Asie Centale et au Tibet: Anthologie des voyageurs occidentaux du Moyen age a la premiere moitie du XX siecle. Introduction, chronologie, bibliographie, index des noms de personnes et de lieux etablis par Michel Jan. Cartes etablis par F.Bunel. - Paris: Robert Laffont, 2004. - 1486 p.
The book consists of 5 parts, each of which is divided into numerous chapters, placed in chronological way. The first part is devoted to the first western investigators: missionaries and tradesmen well-known today: Zh.P.Karpini (1245-1247), G.Rubruk (1253-1255), Marco Polo (1272), Odorik da Pordenone (1318-1330) … G.Shiltberger (1396-1429).
The second part is devoted to the Russian and Soviet Central Asia, where are represented the investigations of, for example, A.Jenkinson (1558-1559), Zh.Potoky (1797-1798), Zh.Meiendorf (1820), who describes mannirs and way of life of Kirghizs, of Bronislav Zalevsky (1860), who presents way of life of Kirghizs and describes Kirghizs women’s conditions . The third part is dedicated to the Chinese part of Central Asia and to Chinese Turkestan, the forth one – to Mongolia, the 5-th one – to Tibet.
Laruelle M., Peyrouse S. Les Russes du Kazakhstan: Identites nationales et nouveaux Etats dans l’espace pot-sovietique / Pref. C.Poujol. – Paris: Institut fr. D’Etudes sur l’Asie Cantrale, 2003. – 354 p.
Authors of monographs are employees of National Institute of Oriental languages and civilizations, they are doctors of sciences. The monograph is devoted to the changes of social-political situation of Russian people in Kazakhstan after 1991, and it is intended for western reader.
Poujol C. Dictionnaire de l’Asie centrale. – Paris: Ellipses, 2001. – 352 p.
This original publication, not having similar publications in France on the history and modern situation of the Central Asia, includes about 1300 denominations, there was made an attempt to reconstruct the historical-cultural view of region briefly and laconically with the help of dictionary.
Archives diplomatiques du Ministere des Affaires etrangeres de France
The initiative to gather the Archives of Foreigh Affairs of France belonged to Sharle Colber de Kruassy, the state secretary from 1680 to 1696. During the XVIII c. stocks of archives with the help of the King significantly enriched at the expense of state documents of Rishelje, Mazariny, Sen-Sion, and numerous correspondence of ambassadors. At the second part of the XVIII c. archives were placed in Versale, but after the French revolution in 1789 they were turned back to Paris and their independence was fixed by the Decree of 7.09.1790. Now they could be used only by diplomats, it was the citadel of state secrets in its way. In 1830 they were accessible for historical investigations. In 1845 archives moved to the Palace of Foreign Affairs, on embankment of Orsey, where it is now. In 1847 the commission of diplomatic archives, led by Minister of Foreign Affairs was created. Nowadays its vice-president is Elen Carrer d'Ancoss, regular secretary of French Academy. The Second World War brought significant losses to archives: current political and economic documents were destroyed in May of 1940, some part of them was stolen by Germanic troops. Another part of archives was lost in the period of Paris’ liberation. Nowadays the Board of Archives of Foreign Affairs Ministry of France works on the project of erection of new building that should open people new opportunities.
Stock “E”: Asian Russia, 1918-1925” includes cases N.39-43, but chronological period of DD. 40-43 – 1924 – March 1930 – June 1940. Documents mainly concerned with the political situation in Russian Turkestan and consist of the information prepared by ambassador of France in Russia - Jean Herbette and following after him ambassadors and translations of Russian periodicals about political, economical and social situation into French. Copies of documents D.39 (Pp. 44-57, 74-86, 92-95, 99-108, 131, 214-223, 225-252), D.40 (Pp.1-10,17-18, 25, 75, 101, 131-133, 142-144 the front/back page, 161-163, 167-170 the front/back page, 184, 187 the front/back page, 188), D.41 (Pp.1, 3, 32-33, 62, 76, 81-82, 93-94, 147, 150, 192), D.42 (Pp. 1, 2, 16, 37-41, 76, 85-87, 125-127, 136-138) were gained. There is an information about Mustafa Chokay in case N.39 on Ll.214-216.
Biblioteca Nacional de Espana / National Library of Spain
It’s founded by Philipp V in 1712 with double purpose: to promote the investigations and to collect the library of noble emigrants, who fought at Karl Austrian’s side in the period of war. In 1836 it gets the title “National”. Since 1985 the automatic system NB-SABINE makes its debut. Since 1991 the system of automatation ARIADNA was inculcated in with the purpose of actuation of the information of investigators’ special interests. Every year the library is visited by112.647 people, approximately 396 in a day.
The collection of manuscripts of the NL is rich one in Spain, about 1600 the Middle Age codes, about 10.000 dramatic manuscripts, the largest quantity of autographs, significant quantity of historical and genealogical documents, personal archives.
Copies of manuscripts from BNE
کتاب موسیقی لابی نصر محمد بن محمد الفارابی.
Treatise about music Al – Farabi.
The treatise is copied after 339 years after Al-Faraby’s death. The copyist is a philosopher from Saragoza, ibn Bajaja, named Abu Bark ibn Assaig, who died in 533 kh. (1138). It’s written for Abul-Hasan ibn Aby Kamil, Cordova’s ruler.
Arabic, andaluz letter, 300 pages, 22 lines on each page.
اخبار الدول و اثار الاول.
Akhbar ad-dual ua asar al-aual. Akhmet ben Yusuf ben Akhmet al Kermany.
It’s a history of dynasties and the first conquests. Author’s name is shown at the end. The title is given in introduction. The manuscript consists of introduction and 55 chapters. From L.3/the front page the content begins. The 27-th chapter is devoted to Samanids of Transoccania, chapter 33 - to Seljuks, chapter 42 - to Chingiz-khan, chapter 43 - to Timur, chapter 53- to Uzbeks of Transoccania. The manuscript is from personal collection of Richard Busher.
There are 399 pages, colored frontispiece with gilt. The text is placed in golden and black frame.
Copies of books from BNE
Brazao, Eduardo. Em Demanda do Cataio. A viagem de Bento de Goes a China (1603-1607). 2 ed. Instituto cultural de Macau. -1989. - 55p.
Catholic priest Bento de Goes (dead in 1607) visited a row of countries of East. His diary of his travels was fully published in 1618 in Keln with title ‘De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas Suscepta ab Societate Jesu, libri V’. The member of Jesuitical Order of Christ Bento de Goes at the beginning of the XVII c. pass through Pamiro-Altai (probably he fulfilled a secret mission of Holy Altai in settling down the contacts with rulers of the Celestial Empire). By one of the paths of Tamerlan Jesuit goes in 1603, and this copy is about this.
World Survey of Islamic Manuscripts/Gen. Ed. G. Popper. Islamic Bibliography Unit. Cambridge University Library.V.1-4.- London: Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation, 1992.
The major collective work is composed by investigators of manuscripts of Moslem and Non-Moslem world of all the countries, where the information of Islamic manuscripts was gathered. The publication was prepared by the “Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation”, the main goal of which is keeping and popularization of Islamic Heritage and the headquarters of which is situated in London. The information is placed by country in alphabetical order. Within each country the institutions (libraries, museums, archives, etc.) that keep the manuscript are presented. There are pointed out the address, date of institute’s foundation, brief description of collections with the quantity in different languages. The most important part is the Index of main works and catalogues, reflecting collections of manuscripts. It’s an invaluable information source on manuscript heritage.
Vatican Archives: An Inventory and guide to historical documents of the Holy See.- Oxford, 1998.- Pp. VII-XXXV, 138-142, 443-450, 541-587.
Historical documentation enriched with the Holy See and collected in secret archives of Vatican is one of the important sources on the history of Christianity, on history and evolution of modern state, on history of western culture and institutions. This guide is the first attempt to describe the whole historical documentation which is called Vatican’s archive in 1 publication. This the most unique publication is the collective work of historians of Michigan University and archive-makers, the earliest document in which is dated by IX c. It’s divided into the following parts: part 1. – The Collegium of Cardinals, part 2. – Papal Court, part 3. – Roman Curia (congregation, offices, tribunal), part 4. – Papal nuntsias and internuntsias, part 5. – Papel government, part 6. – Regular committees, part 7. – Includes different materials, personal collections. Materials are settled in chronological way. The publication is accompanied by very valuable bibliography of works, published by results of working in archives.
Biblioteca Centrale Nationale de Firenze
The library began from the private library of Antonio Magliabechy that consisted of 30.000 volumes in 1714. In 1737 on the strength of decree it gets inevitable copy of all the printed production, published in Florence, since 1743- in Toscana, since 1870 – all the printed production of Italy. In 1747 it was open for people. Till 1861 known as library of Palatyn it became National, and since 1885 - Central. With the National library of Rome it’s one of two national libraries of Italy. Since 1958 it publishes “Bibliografia Nazionale Italiana” (National Bibliography of Italy).
The book heritage includes about 5,3 mln., 115.000 titles of periodicals, 3.700 incunabulas, 25.000 manuscripts, 29.000 of the XVII c. publications, about 1 mln of autographs.
New version of the electronic catalogue – OPAC – includes about 1 mln. Bibliographical records of publications that were published from 1886 till our days. The library introduces in catalogue about 40.000 new publications every year. With the help of catalogue users also get free access to full – text resources. Informational base “Galileo” includes 283 manuscripts from 347 manuscripts of “Galileoana” stock. Library pays special attention to creating SBN – National Librarian Net of Italy that unites the resources of 2.000 libraries of country.
Copies of manuscripts from BCNF
اسرار نامه