There from 2004 in the Republic of Kazakhstan is implemented the Cultural heritage state programme.
The purpose of the programme is the study, restoration and preservation of the historical-cultural traditions, propaganda of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan abroad.
There within the framework of the given programme the specialists of the National library of the RK in 2005-2007 carried out the scientific and search work for the detection of written sources in the libraries and archives of the countries of Western Europe and acquisition of their copies.
Work was carried out by the following trends:
- the Kazakh book, manuscripts, greatest bibliographical indices and catalogues for Central Asia and Kazakhstan;
- the fundamental historical works, archival documents;
- the modern foreign historiography of Kazakhstan, materials of scientific conferences, articles of scientific journals of the XIX- beginning of the XX-th cc.;
- literature of the travellers, maps, ingravings and artefacts.
The list of editions and copies of documents acquired by the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan during the foreign scientific-search expeditions.
The National library of the Republic Kazakhstan is the depositary of editions that saw the light within the framework of the Cultural heritage state programme. The books enter the fond of the National library of the RK in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan #158 dated February 16, 2009 named “On the approval of the Plan of activities for 2009-2011 for the implementation of the Conception of the strategic national “Cultural heritage” project for 2009-2011” and the order of the Committee on information and archives of the Ministry of communications and information of the RK #94 dated July 23, 2010.
The list of books published by the Cultural heritage state programme that came to the fond of the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan.
The information reports of the National library of the RK on the implementation of the Cultural heritage state programme
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